It’s that time of year when, after a long, cold winter, the warmer weather of spring and the freshness of the newly budding trees and plants inspire us all to do a little spring cleaning. Ok, so maybe it wasn’t really so cold here this winter, and spring and summer won’t be much warmer than it is right now…ok, yes, and the trees and plants for the most part stay pretty green all year here, but, the point is, here at The Capes, we’re doing a little spring cleaning ourselves. Here are just a couple of the projects currently in the works:
- Ofstad Painting is in the process of painting the front entrance sign and fence
- Some repair work is being done on the Bridge House deck. As a result, there will be no access to the Bridge House for the first two weeks of April
While doing your own spring cleaning, if you come across any books, games or DVDs that you no longer need, please consider donating them to the Bridge House lending library. We’ve had such nice comments lately from families about how much they’ve enjoyed our small, but fun collection – feel free to stop by and see for yourself! All you need to do is check out a Bridge House key from the office. The lending library utilizes the honor system, so just bring the borrowed items back when you’re done reading/watching/playing.
Proxies are due to The Capes office no later than 5pm on Friday, April 17, 2015. The annual meeting packets were mailed out to all homeowners on March 30th. If you did not receive yours, the complete packet is available on the Owner’s Only page as a downloadable PDF. It is important that we reach a quorum, so if you are unable to attend the annual meeting, please send in your proxy. [To view/download the Annual Meeting Proxy packet, go to the Owner’s Only page, and under Owners-Only Documents, click on the ANNUAL MEETING directory.] The 2015 Board Candidate Statements are also available for view.
Northwest Asphalt Sealing will be here to seal our roads again, beginning the week after Labor Day. If you are an individual homeowner interested in having your driveway sealed, please let us know. The cost will be 18 cents per square foot. Most driveways cost between $50-$100, however some of the longer driveways on Fall Creek Drive are estimated to be a bit more.
The Scotch Broom is out in all its yellow glory. It is very invasive, and should be removed from your individual lots if you see it. North Coast Lawn is working on removing it from the common areas along the roads. Please be on the lookout for tent caterpillars as well, and remove them from your trees if you see them.
These dedicated community members devote countless hours to overseeing the needs of our community. Two full days were spent looking over the maintenance needs of the townhomes before the next phase of painting starts this summer. Painting for townhome lots 40-77 will start this summer, and lots 78-109 will be completed next summer. Letters from the inspections of lots 78-109 will be going out later this month.

The Capes Reserve Study has been updated for the year ending 2014 and is available for your review on the Owner’s Only page. Copies will also be available for review and comment at the annual meeting. [On the Owner’s Only page, go to the Owner’s-Only Documents, select the BUDGETS, RESERVES, and FINANCIALS folder, then 2014 BUDGET AND RESERVES.]
The Netarts/Oceanside Fire Department will be hosting a free CPR & First Aid class for all Capes homeowners that are interested. The class is 4 hours long and is scheduled to start on Saturday, May 2nd at 9:00am at the Fire Hall. RESERVATIONS ARE A MUST ! To receive a CPR and First Aid Certification, there must be an appropriate instructor-to-student ratio, so the fire department needs to have an actual class count. Please let our office know if you are interested in attending the class, no later than the annual meeting. The Fire Department is offering this class to us for free and is part of The Capes Emergency Readiness Committee’s emergency preparation training. Please understand the importance of being prepared!
Do you have a HAM (Amateur Radio Operator) license? Are you a Two Meter Radio expert? The office is putting together a list of owners with these capabilities. As part of the Emergency Readiness Committee training, we are looking into class options for a Two Meter Radio class. If you are interested in attending this class, let the office know.
What type of social events would you like to see at The Capes? We have a few things in the planning stages (more details to come!), but for starters, the First Annual Capes Tennis Calcutta is in the works for Saturday, August 15, 2015. Would you be interested in playing singles or doubles? If so, contact Karinda with your play level. The maintenance committee has done a great job of maintaining the tennis court – an asset your dues go towards maintaining – so we’d love to see the court used more! (The rusted posts are going to be replaced before summer!)
Your Resident Manager, Karinda Boone recently took a trip to Nicaragua, where she runs a local non-profit organization. She and her mom (pictured below) started a tennis program at an after school program in the rural village of Las Salinas, Guanacaste Nicaragua. She loves tennis, and looks forward to organizing a fun tennis Calcutta this summer.

We’d also love to see our Bocce Ball court put to good use, and plan on having games every Saturday starting at 6pm during the months of July and August. Let’s see who will be The Capes champ! Be sure to bring along your picnic blanket and a cooler to socialize with neighbors at the meadow.
The Maintenance Committee would like to welcome its newest member, long-time Capes homeowner Gene Mitchell. Gene resides on Fall Creek Drive above the tennis courts, and is looking forward to being a part of the Maintenance Committee. Thank you, Gene, for sharing your skills with the community!
Please, please, please remember to break down your cardboard before tossing it into the dumpster. Also, big ‘ol heavy televisions from the Stone Age are big ‘ol NO-NO’s for our dumpsters, as well. Please dispose of your large furniture and electronic items at the Tillamook Transfer Station, located at 1315 Eckloff Road.