Annual Meeting Reminders
As I’m sure you all know by now, this year’s annual homeowner meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 16, 2016 at 10am at the Netarts Fire Hall. Here are a couple of meeting-related reminders for you:
- Meeting packets were mailed out late last week, and many homeowners have already received them. Only ONE packet was mailed out per LOT, as each lot receives one opportunity to vote in the board elections. If you did not receive a packet and would like to review the materials that were sent, you can view and download the meeting packet here. [This document requires a password to open. The password can be found in the “April 2016 Capes News” email that went out to all homeowners on 4/1/2016 or in the Owner’s Only section of this website.]
- If you are not planning to attend the meeting (or even if you’re not sure), please complete and send back your proxy so that we receive it no later than Friday, April 15, 2016. Proxies are necessary to ensure that we achieve a quorum, without which the meeting proceedings would be invalid. If you did not receive your meeting packet in the mail, and need a proxy, please contact the office.
- Links were sent out earlier this week to the 2015 End of Year Financials and the 2015 Independent Financial Review so that all homeowners have the opportunity to review those documents before the annual meeting. If you have any questions after reading either document, please direct them to Board Treasurer, Cheryl Jones at cherylaj@charter.net. [These documents require a password to open. The password can be found in the “April 2016 Capes News” email that went out to all homeowners on 4/1/2016 or in the Owner’s Only section of this website.]
Trees, Views, and the CC&Rs
An email went out to all Capes owners on March 24, 2016 from the Board of Directors in regards to our ever-growing trees and their infringement upon homeowner views. As we no longer have a Landscape Committee, the Board of Directors will be handling all tree requests going forward, and will be working hard to ensure that the promise of views as stated in Article VI, section 6.11 of the CC&Rs is upheld. If you would like to request that a tree (or group of trees) be removed, trimmed or windowed, please review the Tree Review Process, fill out a Tree Request Form and submit it to the office with any accompanying documentation and photographs, and it will be presented to the Board for approval. [Links to both forms are located in the Commonly Used Links sidebar on any page of this website.]
Request from a Capes Homeowner
Fellow Capes Residents:
We have now owned our home here in The Capes for 14 years, and for the majority of those years, we have enjoyed the delicious cuisine of “Brewin’ in the Wind”. Walking into Brewin’ for breakfast or lunch became one of our more enjoyable activities here at the coast. We were sad to see them lose their lease in Oceanside, and over the last several months Cathy has been working toward re-opening in Netarts. My family and I would be delighted to see this come to pass, but she needs our help. The Hanthorne family has no reserves themselves to be able to pull this off. I’m asking you to do what I’ve done today – and that is make a donation to help bring them back to our community. I spoke with Cathy today on the phone, and there are literally dozens and dozens of details to attend to in order to make this a reality. [Note: since this request was submitted, Brewin’ in the Wind has reopened in Netarts, but according to an update on their GoFundMe page, they still need financial help with equipment repairs, etc.]
Cathy started in business about 12 years ago in Netarts with a small drive through espresso cart. She has a passion to make great coffee and other organic, fairly sourced and expertly roasted drinks. My mouth is watering right now as I think of her homemade pastries, sandwiches, and soups. All of her goods are homemade with the same love that goes into her coffee.
If you’re on Facebook, please “LIKE” their page here and make a donation. You may also go directly to their GoFundMe site to donate.
Thank you so much for your help,