Volunteer Planting Party Photos
Quite a few homeowners turned up on Sunday, March 19th to help put our new plants in the ground in front of the tennis court on Fall Creek Drive. The weather was beautiful, we had a great time, and the new plants and rocks look awesome! Click the link below to see more photos, and next time you’re at The Capes, stop by the tennis court to check it out!
Fall Creek Drive Beach Trail
If you’ve walked the Fall Creek Drive beach trail lately, you might have noticed a section where the path kind of…dips a little. Ok, maybe more than a little. Oh, all right. Four feet. It dips four feet, ok? Anyway…our wonderful landscape crew from Ground FX have solved the problem! Earlier this week, they took what was a barely-there path through the woods and turned it into a full-fledged alternate trail that completely bypasses the slide. If you’d like to see for yourself, here’s a video (but please ignore the inane rambling):
Annual Meeting
The annual homeowners meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 10:00 AM at the Netarts Fire Station. Meeting materials will be mailed out next week, so watch your mailboxes. There are several items of importance that may require action from you.
- Your proxy for voting in the BOD election. There will be 3 seats to fill this year – two seats with 3-year terms and one seat with 1 year left to serve (Bill Poulos had to resign his seat recently, due to family obligations.) If you will not be attending the annual meeting, your proxy must be received by the office no later than 5 pm Friday, April 21, 2017.
- A ballot to vote on long overdue CC&R updates. In your packet you will find a letter from Board President, Tim Breaux, outlining several proposed changes/updates to our governing documents. The letter will explain where to find the proposed documents to review, and what to do if you are unable to access the documents, or if you wish to have paper copies printed instead. Ballots for this vote will be due back to the office by May 31, 2017, though you may turn your ballot in to the manager at the annual meeting, if you wish.
- An owner contact information update form. If you have contact information changes that need to be reported to the office, please fill out this form and return it with your election proxy. If you do not have any changes to report, you do not need to fill out the form.
- An Emergency Preparedness Questionnaire. The office is on a mission to drag every owner at The Capes kicking and screaming into emergency preparedness, and 100% owner participation in filling out this form (even if you’ve filled them out in the past) is the first step! I’m currently working on creating a map that details the locations of all propane tanks in the neighborhood, so that in the event of a catastrophic disaster we can quickly locate and shut off tanks to reduce fire hazard. This form will help me complete that project. You can mail it to the office with your election proxy, or turn it in to me at the annual meeting.
Independent Financial Review and Reserve Study
The 2016 Independent Financial Review and the 2017 update to the Reserve Study have been received and posted on this website, accessible through the Owner’s Only page. (You must be a registered user to access this page.) Once there, scroll down to the Owner’s-Only Documents section and select the Budgets, Reserves and Financials folder. If you have trouble accessing the document and would like to review it, please contact the office and we will email you copies.
Found: A Key
A key was found on Capes Drive on Thursday, March 30th and has been turned in to the office. If you are missing a key, please contact the office to claim it!