Annual Meeting Info
Everyone should probably know by now that our annual homeowners meeting scheduled for April 18, 2020 has been cancelled thanks to the Beer Flu (a.k.a. COVID-19, the coronavirus). Typically, the annual meeting is followed directly by a short, regular Board meeting in order for the Board members to elect officers. This regular board meeting will also be cancelled, as the election ballots will not yet be available by April 18th.
Regarding the election ballots, those will be mailed out sometime on or after April 10, 2020 and the vote will be held by mail only. Only one packet will be mailed for each lot, so if your lot has multiple owners, it will be the responsibility of the owner who receives the packet to share it with your partners and decide together how you want to place your vote. If you own more than one lot, your packet will contain a corresponding number of ballots. You will need to return a separate ballot for each lot that you own, in order for all of your votes to be counted.
2019 Independent Financial Review
If you’re feeling a little anxious about this whole COVID-19 thing and find that you’re having trouble sleeping, I’ve got just the thing. The 2019 Independent Financial Review has been uploaded to the Owner’s Only documents section of the website, and makes GREAT bedtime reading! You can find it by visiting the Owner’s Only tab and scrolling down to the documents table. (Or, you will find a direct link in the Capes News-April 2020 email that was sent to all owners on 4/2/2020.)
Capes Rules Document Approved
The proposed “new” rules document that was sent to all homeowners in the middle of March was approved by the Board at their meeting on March 21, 2020 and has been uploaded to our website where it can be viewed here in all its glory. Many of the rules in this document are not actually new, but have been pulled together from the CC&Rs, Bylaws, and other governing documents as a “greatest hits” list for guests and new owners. []
A “New” Four-Legged Friend?
As if the bobcats and deer and raccoons weren’t enough, there have been several reports lately of coyote sightings on the property. So far he (or she) has been spotted on Fall Creek Drive, on Capes Loop and on Capes Drive (he/she sure does get around)! Please don’t leave your small dogs, small children or small spouses outside unattended. On the bright side, the raccoons don’t seem to be making quite as much of a mess of the dumpsters since the coyote’s been around.
My Semi-Annual Doggie Doo Rant
While we’re on the subject of dogs (sorta), it’s time once again to remind everyone of the Golden Rule of Doggie Decency here at The Capes: If YOUR Dog Poops It, YOU Should Scoop It. (Do you like that? I made it up myself.) We have received reports of some uncollected doggie doo on a vacant lot on Promontory Lane as well as the canyon trail to the beach. Here are just a few of the reasons why a dog owner should ALWAYS clean up after their dog:
- Not cleaning up after your pet is a CC&R violation and could lead to fines…or worse! Section 6.4 of our CC&Rs states that pets must be reasonably controlled so as not to be a nuisance. “Any inconvenience, damage or unpleasantness caused by such pets shall be the responsibility of the respective owners thereof. No dog or cat shall be permitted to roam the Property unattended, and all dogs and cats must be kept on a leash while outside a Lot. An owner or resident may be required to remove a pet upon receipt of the third notice in writing from the Board of Directors of violations of any rule, regulation or restriction governing pets within the Property.” Poop definitely qualifies as “unpleasantness” and if your dog is proven to continually leave piles of unpleasantness around the neighborhood that are not picked up, you could potentially be asked to remove HIM from the property.
- It’s unhealthy. Dog feces can contain several very common diseases that can be transmitted to people, cats or other dogs – giardia, roundworms, salmonella, and Ecoli, to name a few. Additionally, your dog can spread or contract parvovirus or coronavirus (no, not the COVID-19 coronavirus!) through infected feces.
- It’s not good for the environment. Doggie doo is toxic to your lawn, causing burns and unsightly discoloring. As it decays, it can even create nutrients for weeds and algae to thrive. If you introduce enough waste into the waterways, the then thriving weeds and algae can overtake the water, and limit the amount of light that can penetrate the water’s surface. As a result, oxygen levels in the water decrease, asphyxiating the fish that live there.
- It’s just gross. It looks bad, it smells bad, and let’s face it – the only thing worse than stepping in your dog’s poop is stepping in poop when you don’t even own a dog.
Be courteous to your neighbors, the environment and even to yourself, and clean up after your dog. If you have guests staying in your home when you are not with them, remind them of this rule as well. Any fines incurred by guests will be charged to the owner of the property.
Coming Soon to a Mailbox Near You – Mail!
If you have signed up for a mailbox, they are *this close* to being ready! Watch your inbox in the next week or so for further instructions!
More COVID-19 Updates and Closures
Until further notice, the office will remain closed to any and all walk-in traffic. So far you all have done a great job letting me know ahead of time if a contractor or other service provider will need your house key, so please continue to do so with as much advance notice as you can. I may occasionally work from home, so the best way to reach me is usually via email (, though you can still call the office (503-842-8777) and if I am not here the answering service will send me a message.
We have decided to discontinue loaning out sports equipment for the time being (bocce balls, horseshoes, pickleball paddles, etc.) as there is no way to ensure that it has been properly sanitized and is safe to use. The Bridge House will also remain closed for the same reason. If you have your own equipment, you are still welcome to use the tennis court or bocce court, as long as you are able to do so while still maintaining appropriate social distancing.