Playground at the Meadow…a Survey
Our Board of Directors, in conjunction with our landscape contractor, Ground FX, is currently working on a plan for improvements to the Meadow, and would appreciate Capes owner feedback.
One of the suggestions currently on the table is the addition of a small playground/play area to the space. This would by no means take up the entire meadow, and the existing bocce ball court and horseshoe pit would remain. The thought behind this idea is that it would be a much more central location than our current playground in the canyon and much easier to access, especially for any parents or grandparents with mobility issues or who have a hard time negotiating the stairs down to the canyon.
We want to know what you think about this idea. Please follow the link below to take the survey no later than Friday, September 2, 2016:
Bearly There…So Beware!
Several homeowners have reported seeing evidence of a bear on the property over the last few weeks, particularly around Fall Creek Drive, the Manager’s Office/Residence, and the beginning of Promontory Lane near the 4-way stop. If you’re out walking the neighborhood near any of these areas, particularly in the early morning or evening, please be aware of your surroundings. The National Park Service website offers some good tips for staying safe around bears:
Cans and Bottles and Cardboard, Oh My!
For those of you who hate standing at the can/bottle recycling station at Safeway or Fred Meyer, mindlessly feeding your can and bottle recycling into the machine one piece at a time, there is a solution. The Recycling Center behind the Netarts Fire Hall is open the first Saturday of every month from 10am to 2pm collecting cardboard, paper, glass, bottle and can recycling. No, you won’t get your 5¢ deposit back, but that’s the price you pay for the convenience of being able to drop off all of your recyclables at once! The Netarts Fire Hall is located at 1235 5th Street Loop in Netarts.