Capes News – August 2024

Oops, You Did It Again…

It’s only been about 2 months since my last garbage rant, but in case it has slipped anyone’s mind, here is a reminder: Any items deemed as hazardous waste cannot be disposed of in any City Sanitary Service receptacle. These items can include: aerosol spray cans, ammunition, asbestos, batteries, diesel/gasoline or fuel of any kind, electronics, explosives, fertilizer, fluorescent bulbs, herbicides, motor oil, medical waste, paint, pesticides, prescriptions or drugs of any kind, solvents, syringes or weapons.

Request for Board Volunteers

Over the past few months, it has become clear that we need to do a better job of succession planning in case a Board member needs to resign, whether for personal reasons or if their Capes house is sold. The Board would like to have a pool of willing potential candidates to fill any Board vacancy if one should arise. If you might be interested in serving on the Board, please fill out the Capes Board Candidate questionnaire, send it in to the office, and we will keep your name on file.

Road Work on Wednesday, August 7th

Northwest Asphalt will be at The Capes on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 to begin some crack filling work on the roads. While driving through the neighborhood, please be on the lookout for the crew working in the road, and don’t drive through any cordoned-off areas!

Slow Down, Speed Racer!

Maybe you’re just so surprised and excited that your vehicle actually made it to the top of that huge hill that you want to celebrate, or maybe you had to lay so hard on the gas pedal to get to the top that you forget to let up on it when you’re finally up there…regardless of the reason, please keep in mind that the speed limit on Promontory Drive is 15 mph, just like it is everywhere else in The Capes. There have been reports of people speeding in excess of the posted limits once they reach the flat portion at the top of the hill. We would hate for anyone to get hurt, so please keep it to 15 mph! The ocean will still be there even if it takes a few extra seconds to get home, I promise! (Unless the marine layer is in, of course….LOL)

Storm Drain Scoping and Cleaning – Coming Soon!

In order to keep our storm water system functioning properly, we have a company coming in late August to clean out all catch basins and TV the storm lines throughout the community. This will entail workers accessing any and all Storm Drainage Easements necessary to accommodate this task.

Certain lots have storm water drainage lines in the rear of their homes, which are subject to easements in favor of the Association and its contractors. We will need to exercise our right to access all of these areas in order to get the camera pushed through. Please be courteous to our contractors as they perform this important task. The following lots are affected:

  • Lots # 69-81
  • Lots # 16-38
  • Lots # 47-55
  • Lots #144-147
  • (Any others I may have missed!)

The Cottages paved areas are comingled with the rest of the Capes drainage system as well, so we will require that any cars in the Cottages not be parked near one of the catch basins that day.

Once I know what day this will take place, I will share that with the community.

Friends of Netarts Bay WEBS Events

Have you heard of the Friends of Netarts Bay WEBS? They are a small non-profit group working to sustain the Netarts Bay area through education and stewardship. If you like Netarts Bay and you like education, you may be interested in some of their upcoming (FREE!) events. From a Beach Discovery Walk to Sustainable Clamming, an Acrylic Painting Workshop or Summer Birding on the Bay, there is something for everyone! Check out their flier below for what’s happening in August.