At their last meeting on November 17, 2018, the Board voted to accept the 2019 budget as proposed by the Budget Committee. As a result, new dues amounts will go into effect January 1, 2019 and are listed below for your convenience. If you use your bank’s autopay system, please make sure to update the amount that is being paid AFTER your December payment has been sent. (If you aren’t sure if you’ve paid for December yet or not, feel free to ask me.)
- Undeveloped lots – $129 per month
- Single Family Homes – $137 per month
- Cottages – $137 per month
- Townhomes – $269 per month
The ARC (in conjunction with the board) has made some updates to their Architectural Design Guidelines and Review Procedures document. The purpose of this document is to provide general and specific guidance to residents of The Capes concerning the intent and expectations of the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) on matters that come before them. Most of the updates were made to either remove irrelevant references (such as to the Maintenance Committee, which currently does not exist) or to better clarify existing policies or procedures. In a few instances, new color or material options have been added to existing guidelines. (For example, wood-toned aluminum vertical support posts and rails can now be used for decks with cable railing. Prior versions of the design guidelines only allowed aluminum posts to be used if they were white.) It is recommended that you read through the Design Guidelines (and share it with your contractor!) prior to completing any exterior work on your home. (If you’re one of those “show me the Cliff’s Notes” types, ARC Chairman Chuck Stalsberg has very kindly summarized the updates for you here.)
ARC pre-approval is still required for exterior work. The Design Guidelines document will help guide you through the approval process.
Mark your calendars – you’re not going to want to miss these stellar events at The Capes!
- Monthly Board meetings – In 2019, the monthly meeting of the Board of Directors will take place on the 3rd Saturday of each of the following months, starting at 9:30 am, at the Bridge House: January, February, March, May, June, July, September, October and November. (There is no board meeting in August or December)
- Annual Meeting of Homeowners and April Board meeting – The Capes Annual Meeting of Homeowners will take place on Saturday, April 27, 2019 at the Netarts Fire Department conference room, starting at 10:00 am. The Board of Directors will have a brief monthly meeting immediately following the annual meeting in order to select officers.
- Social Events
- Ice Cream Social – Saturday, May 25, 2019 from 2-4 pm
- Annual Barbecue – Saturday, July 6, 2019 from 12-3 pm
- Wine and Cheese Social – Saturday, September 7, 2019 from 4-6 pm
- Brats ‘n Boos Halloween Party – Saturday, October 26, 2019 from 4-7 pm
This is the last month that we’ll be collecting for this quarter’s recipients – United Paws and the Tillamook Animal Shelter. Thank you so much to those of you who have already sent donations to the office or to the organizations directly. If you would like to order some much-needed supplies for either organization, I’ve set up an Amazon wishlist for each organization and added some of the items that they need. Feel free to order directly from the list and send the items to the office (the address is already set up in each list), or just use it as a shopping guide if you’d prefer to order from someplace else like chewy.com. (And as always, monetary donations are also much appreciated!) So that this email isn’t any longer than it needs to be, please visit our October newsletter for more information on both of these organizations and our November newsletter for links to the wishlists. Don’t forget – your donations are tax deductible!
If you’ve had that feeling that you’re being watched here at The Capes recently, that could be due to our new camera system at the entry gate and dumpster areas. As you may recall, the gate was hit and damaged last February and no one ever confessed to being the culprit. The new cameras will help us to identify vehicles in the event of any future issues. It should also help to reduce issues at the dumpster area (dumping inappropriate items, non-Capes residents using our dumpsters, etc.). Most importantly, though, I hope one day I’ll get a picture of that bear.
Join us at the Bridge House on Monday, December 31, 2018 from 7-10 pm as we ring in the new year with the Eastern time zone. We’ll have music, games and a champagne toast at “midnight” (a.k.a. 9pm). Please bring an hors d’oeuvre, snack or dessert to share, along with whatever adult beverage you’d like to drink. (We will provide soda and bottled water.)
Please use this link to RSVP yes, no or maybe:
The storm drains were scoped and cleaned last week, and we are now working with Ground FX to repair the damaged beach trail. This will most likely involve the use of a crane to lower equipment and materials down into the canyon. I’ll send out an update once the work is scheduled so that you can avoid the area (or gather to watch…your choice!).