Long Term Lease Survey
On Friday, 1/29/2016, an email went out to all owners requesting feedback on the subject of allowing long-term rentals (1 year or longer) at The Capes. If you have not already done so, please take a few minutes (hey, you’re not busy right now, are you??), read through the background materials, and then take the survey. The Board of Directors will be discussing the subject further at the next board meeting on February 20, 2016 and the more owners that weigh in, the better picture the Board will have as to the overall opinion of the community.
The links to both the background materials and the survey itself can be found in the email that was sent out. Please contact the office at 503-842-8777 if you need them sent to you again. The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, February 12, 2016.
Join the Board
This is just a reminder that there will be 3 Board positions up for election at the Annual Homeowners Meeting on Saturday, April 16, 2016. All owners are welcome to run for the board, even if you’re not a full-time resident. In fact, only 2 of the current 7 Board members live at The Capes year-round. There are typically 10 board meetings held per year, one per month excepting August and December. Most other Board communications take place via email or telephone.
If you’re interested in running, you must declare your intention either to the Board President (board@thecapeshoa.org) or to the Resident Manager (residentmgr@thecapeshoa.org) prior to the conclusion of the February 20, 2016 board meeting, when all candidates will be announced. Candidates will then have until March 12, 2016 to submit their Candidate Statement of 250 words or less, describing why you would like to be on the Board.
Dumpsters Only, Please!
There have been two instances over the last couple of weeks in which garbage has been left in the canyon next to the doggie station. While our landscapers, Ground FX have kindly agreed to keep the doggie station stocked and serviced for us, removing other miscellaneous garbage from the area is not a part of their contract, and should it become a regular necessity, will result in extra fees being charged to the Association.
If you have any garbage items that will not fit in the covered, green trash receptacle, please do not leave them on the ground next to the station. All garbage should be bagged, and placed in the dumpsters that are located near the front entrance to The Capes. Please also make sure that your guests and/or renters are aware of the location of the dumpsters. Lastly, please remember that all boxes need to be broken down flat before going in the dumpster.
Let’s all work together to keep The Capes beautiful!
Second Chances
For those of you who might have missed the two emails back in November about ordering HOA dues payment books for 2016, now’s your chance! We will be placing a second order on Monday, February 8, 2016, so if you would like to have a payment book, please let the office know before Monday! If you’d like to receive an emailed reminder and statement monthly instead, you can let us know anytime.
Lost? Now Found!
While walking through the neighborhood the other day, one of our homeowners found these olive green, Eye Bobs reading glasses. If you think they might be yours, stop by the office any time to pick them up!
Web Host Changes
Over the next week or so, we will be working on moving our website to a new host. While our goal is to have as little interruption to the web service as possible, you may experience times during the transition when the page does not load or it is unavailable. If you need information or a form from the site and are unable to access it, please feel free to contact the office, and we can email you whatever you need.
We Want You To LIKE Us!
If you’re ever wandering around Facebook, stop by The Capes page and give us a Like…but don’t worry, all of the important updates will still be posted here!