Temporary Office Hours and Info
Most are probably aware by now that resident manager Karinda has left The Capes for warmer pastures and Jenny Green has been appointed manager in her place. Currently, this leaves us with a staff totaling ‘1’, which is not sufficient to support office hours 7 days a week. The Board of Directors is currently working on finding a part-time employee to help cover the additional hours as well as provide some light maintenance and/or clerical assistance. (If you know of someone that might be a good fit, please pass their name along to the office!) For the time being, the office will be open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, and closed on Saturday and Sunday.
If you need emergency assistance after hours or on a weekend, please call (503) 842-8777 and leave a message with our answering service, or send an email to manager@thecapeshoa.org. Jenny (or a member of the board, if Jenny is not available) will get back to you as soon as possible. If you need something from the office and will *only* be here on the weekend (a new gate card, to borrow the bocci ball set, etc.), please contact the office ahead of time with your request, and Jenny will do her best to accommodate you.
Bring Back the Bridge House (Committee)!
In light of the current office situation and the fact that the new manager is a TERRIBLE party planner (don’t worry, she’s also the one writing this!), we would love to try and resurrect the Bridge House Committee. What’s a Bridge House Committee, you ask? Well, it’s an awesome group of volunteers who just love to throw parties, and they channel all of that love into the planning and execution of our five annual social events here at The Capes: the annual meeting in April, a Memorial Day weekend ice cream social in May, an Independence Day BBQ in July, a Labor Day weekend wine and cheese social in September, and a Brats ‘n Brews event in October. If you’ve got a flair for festivities (or if you just like being told what to do by someone else who does), the Bridge House Committee needs YOU. Contact the office today to volunteer! (Please!)
2017 DUES and Don’ts
There are still a couple of owners out there who maybe didn’t see November’s update…or December’s…or January’s…or emails to them directly…regarding the new HOA dues amounts for 2017 and are still paying their dues at the old 2016 rate. Here they are one more time for anyone who missed it:
- Undeveloped lots – $122 per month
- Cottages – $129 per month
- Single Family Homes – $129 per month
- Townhomes – $248 per month
If you have set up a recurring payment with your bank, please double check that the amount has been updated for 2017. If there is anyone still out there that missed the deadline for 2017 payment books and would like to receive a monthly email reminder/statement, please contact the office to be added to the list. (If you receive a statement on February 1, you’re already on the list!)
Tree Update
Walker Contract Cutting was here on 1/31/2017 working on Phase II of the helicopter tree removal project. The focus this time was on the area north of the Promontory/Capes Drive stairway and the canyon west of the Cottages. Most of the 30 trees taken out on Promontory were on private property, taken at the individual tree owner’s request, with only a few taken from the Tract G common area west of the Promontory townhomes. All downed trees have been choked for removal, and are awaiting the return of the helicopter, which will most likely be here sometime next week.
Once these trees are flown out, there will be one more round of trees removed from the canyon in Phase III.
Helicopter Photos and Videos
While we’re on the subject of trees and helicopters, one of our owners on Fall Creek Drive took some great pictures of the helicopter flying trees out in January, and has graciously shared them. You can check them out here: https://www.thecapeshoa.org/gallery/wppaspec/oc1/cv0/ab11
Message from Cathie Hanthorn
As some of you may know, Brewin’ in the Wind has closed its doors. Owner Cathie Hanthorn has asked us to share this brief note with you all:
For all your loving thoughts, prayers, help and business throughout the last twelve years with Brewin’ in the Wind, I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will miss seeing all your smiling faces regularly.
Cathie Hanthorn & family