Super Bowl Party
Our 2nd annual Let’s Watch the Patriots Play Whomever They’re Playing This Year (a.k.a. ‘The Super Bowl’) Party will take place on Sunday, February 3, 2019 at the Bridge House. Kick-off is at 3:30 pm, so we’ll get started around 3:15 (that way people can fill up their plates and take a seat in time for the coin toss). This is a very casual party, so wear your favorite team apparel and bring a dish or dessert to share. We’ll provide bottled water and soda – if you want anything stronger, you’ll need to bring that as well.
Don’t Be Trashy…
At this time of year, our dumpsters are only emptied once per week, on Tuesdays. (During the summer, there are two weekly pick-ups.) As I write this, it is Friday morning, and as we head into the weekend the dumpsters are already fairly full. In an effort to ensure that all Capes owners have space to dispose of their regular household garbage, we ask that you all please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Break down your boxes – Due to a recent breakthrough in physics, it has been discovered that flattened boxes take up less room than the non-flattened variety. (Who knew?) Please flatten all boxes before putting them in the dumpsters. (For information on recycling options, please keep reading.)
- No furniture, appliances, elephants, automobiles, lawnmowers, fertilizer spreaders, mattresses, hot tubs, submarines, or any other large, unwieldy items – This is kind of a no-brainer…if it is bigger than the dumpster itself, please don’t try to put it in the dumpster. Or next to the dumpster. Or on top of the dumpster. Or…well, you get the idea. These large items should go to the dump. Go directly to the dump, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. (Keep reading for the dump address.)
- No construction material – If you are re-siding your house, replacing a deck, remodeling your kitchen, etc., the old siding, deck boards, sink, cabinets, etc. should be hauled away by your contractor, not thrown in the dumpsters. Please make sure your contractor is aware of this!
- No hazardous, toxic or flammable materials – This is more of a fire issue than one of saving space, but still important. This includes things like paint, paint thinner, oil & gas, pesticides, yard waste, electronics, tires, lithium batteries, rechargeable batteries and car batteries.
Occasionally items are left in the dumpster (or surrounding area) that the sanitary company charges us extra to take or flat out will not take at all. Please be aware that there is a camera filming the dumpster area at all times, so violators can be identified. If you’ve left something that incurs extra fees, those fees will be passed on to you. If you’ve left something that the sanitary company refuses to take, you will be asked to remove it and dispose of it properly.
That being said, if you notice anyone using the dumpsters who does not seem to be a resident of The Capes (meaning they drive in from Highway 131, dump their trash and then leave again without ever entering or exiting the gate), please take note of the date and approximate time and notify the office. DO NOT confront the person or persons yourself – we don’t want anyone to get into an altercation over garbage….just let the office know, and we will look into it and notify the authorities if appropriate.
Recycling/Dump Information: The Tillamook County Transfer Station is located at 1315 Ekloff Road in Tillamook and is open daily from 8am to 4pm. For recycling, they accept cardboard, newspaper, waste paper, tin cans, magazines, plastics, glass (clear, brown and green) and scrap metal. For non-hazardous solid waste disposal, there is a minimum fee of $19 (that will get you up to 400 pounds!), with regular fees of $95 per ton ($0.0475 per pound…yes, I may be a little bit of a math geek). They regularly accept e-waste, vegetable oil and batteries, and other hazardous waste materials can be disposed of on scheduled event days. (Call 503-842-4588 for information on hazardous waste disposal dates.)
There is also a mobile recycling station that collects recycling on the first Saturday of the month in the Netarts Fire Station parking lot from 10 am to 3 pm.
Annual Meeting/Elections
Our annual homeowners meeting will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 10 am at the Netarts Fire Station meeting room. All Capes owners are encouraged to attend. Meeting packets will be snail-mailed at the end of March, one packet for each LOT. (Meaning if your lot has multiple owners, only one of you will receive the packet and it’s up to you to share it with your co-owners.) If you have a preference as to which owner receives the packet, or if your mailing address has changed since last year’s packet was mailed out, now might be a good time to let the office know.
There will be 3 Board seats up for re-election at the annual meeting, and so far we have 4 (and possibly 5) candidates in the race. If you would like to run for the Board, it’s not too late! All you need to do to throw your hat in the ring is to declare your intent to run by 5:00 pm Friday, February 15, 2019. You can make this declaration by mail, email or in person. The “official” candidate list will be announced at the February 16, 2019 Board meeting. Here is the contact information for declaring your intent to run:
PO Box 404
Oceanside, OR 97134
Beach Trail Update
The catch basin in the canyon that overflowed and wreaked havoc on the beach trail has been repaired, and work on repairing the trail itself will take place on Thursday, March 14, 2019 (and Friday, March 15, 2019 if necessary). Repair to the trail will include some grading as well as the installation of several water bars to redirect the flow of water in the (unlikely) event of another flood. The trail will be closed to foot traffic while the crew is working, so if you plan to be at The Capes on those days, be prepared to take an alternate route to the beach.
Townhome Inspections/Phase II and Phase III Painting
Ofstad Painting will be here this summer (starting late June/early July) to work on the exterior trim painting for lot #’s 40-77. If you have trim that is rotted or otherwise in disrepair, you will need to have it fixed before the painting starts, otherwise it may not get painted. Maintenance inspection letters detailing possible issues were mailed out over the summer/fall of 2017. If you need another copy of yours, please contact the office. If Ofstad is not able to paint your trim while they are on site, you will have to wait until they come back for Phase III (June/July 2020) or have them come back out earlier at your own expense.
Lots #78-109 and 173-175 are part of the Phase III painting group, and are scheduled for trim painting over the summer of 2020. In order to identify potential issues and give owners sufficient time to make repairs, we will be doing exterior maintenance inspections on these homes over the next few months. Watch your mailboxes!
Quarter of Giving – Spotlight on TAPA
We are still collecting donations for the current Quarter of Giving recipient – the Tillamook Association for the Performing Arts. TAPA is a local non-profit community theater that has been providing entertainment to Tillamook and the surrounding areas since 1980. Performances are held several times per year in the Barn Community Playhouse at the corner of 12th and Ivy in Tillamook.
TAPA’s Mission is to provide a high quality experience in the performing arts through entertainment, education, and community participation. This year’s performances will include Beer for Breakfast in February, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf in April, a female version of The Odd Couple in June and Arsenic and Old Lace in October. Visit TAPA’s website for more information on this organization: tillamooktheater.com.
We will be collecting donations for this organization through March 31, 2019. Please mail your donation to the office at The Capes HOA, PO Box 404, Oceanside, OR 97134. Checks should be made out to TAPA and donations are tax deductible. If you would be interested in volunteering with TAPA for an upcoming production – whether on-stage or behind the scenes – email info@tillamooktheater.com, call 503-812-0275 or visit the website for more details.