2019 Dues, Take 3!
Just in case you missed it in November…and December (and considering the fact that I’ve already received about 15 January dues checks for the wrong amount, odds are good), here is one more reminder that dues for 2019 have changed. If you use your bank’s autopay system to send your monthly dues checks, you will need to update your payment amount with your bank. The new dues amounts are as follows:
- Townhomes have increased from $254 to $269 per month
- Single Family homes have increased from $134 to $137 per month
- Cottages have increased from $134 to $137 per month
- Undeveloped lots have increased from $126 to $129 per month
Looking For A Few Good Recruits
The 2019 Annual Homeowners Meeting will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2019 in the meeting room at the Netarts Fire Hall (1235 5th St. Loop in Netarts) starting at 10:00 am. One of the important items on the meeting agenda will be the election of Directors.
Terms are ending for three of our current board members, which means there will be three empty seats to fill. All seats are for 3-year terms. Could one of those seats have your name on it?
If you are a go-getter who is interested in helping to effect positive change within the community by serving on the board, the first thing you’ll need to do is declare your intent to run. You can do this by mail, email or in person. Your intention to run must be received by 5:00 pm on Friday, February 15, 2019. All homeowners who will be running will be announced at the board meeting on February 16, 2019. Here is the contact information for declaring your intent to run:
PO Box 404
Oceanside, OR 97134
Party, Party, Party!
Thank you to everyone who attended our 2nd annual New Year’s Eve party at the Bridge House. We had a great turnout, tons of good food, a champagne toast at “midnight” (thanks Pam Zielinski for your generous contribution!) and got to meet some awesome new neighbors.
Our next event will be a Super Bowl watching party on Sunday, February 3, 2019, so mark your calendars. (Time and other details coming soon!)
I also would like to thank my volunteers, without whom I would be a blubbering mess in the corner of the room, wondering how I would ever get everything ready in time. (And who also apparently snuck into the Bridge House yesterday on my day off and cleaned up after the party!) Marla, Wanda and Cheryl – I couldn’t do it without you!
Quarter of Giving – Spotlight on TAPA
January 1st marks the start of a new quarter, and thus a new Quarter of Giving recipient – the Tillamook Association for the Performing Arts. TAPA is a local non-profit community theater that has been providing entertainment to Tillamook and the surrounding areas since 1980. Performances are held several times per year in the Barn Community Playhouse at the corner of 12th and Ivy in Tillamook.
TAPA’s Mission is to provide a high quality experience in the performing arts through entertainment, education, and community participation. This year’s performances will include Beer for Breakfast in February, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf in April, a female version of The Odd Couple in June and Arsenic and Old Lace in October. Visit TAPA’s website for more information on this organization: tillamooktheater.com.
We will be collecting donations for this organization through March 31, 2019. Please mail your donation to the office at The Capes HOA, PO Box 404, Oceanside, OR 97134. Checks should be made out to TAPA and donations are tax deductible. If you would be interested in volunteering with TAPA for an upcoming production – whether on-stage or behind the scenes – email info@tillamooktheater.com, call 503-812-0275 or visit the website for more details.
Last quarter’s final tally – We raised $400 in monetary donations for the Tillamook Animal Shelter and $350 for United Paws. Several owners also sent orders of food, supplies and toys directly to each organization in addition to what was sent here to the office. Thank you so much to everyone who donated!