Annual Capes Barbecue at the Meadow
This is the final boarding call for The Capes annual Independence Day(ish) Barbecue at the Meadow! The train leaves the station at noon on Saturday, July 7th, so be there or be hungry! Ok, enough with the train talk…I hope that many of you will join us on Saturday, July 7, 2018 from noon to 3 pm for our annual community barbecue. The HOA will provide the hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie or bean burgers, the fixin’s, chips, soda and water. Owners are asked to bring a side dish to share, any “alternative” beverages that you might like, and a non-perishable food item to donate to the Oregon Food Bank – Tillamook County Services (if you would like to donate). (Cash/check donations are ok, too!) Please take a moment now to RSVP, if you haven’t already done so, even if you’re a “maybe”.
Quarter of Giving: Spotlight on the Oregon Food Bank – Tillamook County Services
Beginning July 1, 2018, we are starting a Quarter of Giving initiative here at The Capes. Each quarter we will select a new local organization to support through collections of in-kind goods, cash and check donations as a way of giving back to the community. For our first quarter, July 1 through September 30, 2018, we have selected the Oregon Food Bank – Tillamook County Services. This organization serves as the food warehouse and distribution for meal sites and food pantries throughout Tillamook County. They are most in need of canned proteins such as peanut butter, tuna, chicken, etc., but will happily accept any non-perishable food items. Anyone interested in making a monetary donation can make their check out to “Oregon Food Bank Tillamook County Services” or “OFB-TCS”. Donations will be collected at the annual barbecue on July 7th or at any time throughout the quarter at The Capes Homeowners Association office located at 605 Capes Drive. (PO Box 404, Oceanside, OR 97134, if you’re mailing a check.)
For more information about the Oregon Food Bank, please visit their website at www.oregonfoodbank.org.
Phase I Painting Starts Soon!
If you own a town home on lots #3 through #38, you are part of the Phase I painting group, and are scheduled for exterior trim and front door painting this summer. Ofstad Painting will be here to begin Phase I on Monday, July 16, 2018 starting with lots #3-#10 (475-445 Capes Drive and 5175-5205 Capes Loop). Buildings will be cleaned first (power washed) and then painted. Front doors are generally painted all at once towards the end of the project. If you would like to change the color of your front door, now’s the time to let the office know! Available door options are Capes Blue, Capes Red or Capes Green. (Adjoining town homes cannot have the same color front door.)
One Bench Left!
We still have one more Meadow bench that is available for owner sponsorship. Capes owners can sponsor a bench for any number of reasons – to mark a special occasion such as the birth of a child or grandchild, to memorialize a loved one, to celebrate a special anniversary…the possibilities are endless! “Your” bench will be marked with a special plaque and placed in the meadow for all to see and enjoy for years to come. If you’re interested in sponsoring a bench, we anticipate the cost at around $650, which will include the plaque. Contact the office today to get started on your sponsorship!
Office Closures
The HOA office will be closed on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 due to the Independence Day holiday. If you anticipate needing something from the office on that day, please let us know ahead of time so that arrangements can be made to get it to you.
Road and Driveway Seal Coating
Northwest Asphalt will be out sometime this summer (I do not yet have exact dates!) to seal coat the roads, and as always they will seal driveways for any owners that wish to have theirs done. The cost typically comes out to between $50 and $100 for townhome driveways, depending on the length, and you will be billed by Northwest Asphalt directly. Single family home driveways can run a little higher, and the longest driveways on Fall Creek Drive can go as high as $300. If you would like to have your driveway seal coated, please contact the office and we’ll put you on the list!
Sushi Comes to Tillamook!
If you’ve ever been to the Tora Sushi Lounge in Seaside or Astoria, you’ll be thrilled to learn that they’ve opened a third location – right here in Tillamook! Located on the corner of 3rd Street and Main Avenue (in the old Pancake House), they are open for lunch and dinner Monday through Saturday 11:30 am – 9:00 pm (closed from 2-4 pm) and Sunday from 11:00 am – 8:00 pm (closed from 2-4 pm). I have it on good authority (my belly) that the food is quite tasty, so be sure to check them out the next time you’re at The Capes.