Fire is STILL a 4-Letter Word!
In last month’s newsletter, we issued a reminder that outdoor burning and fireworks are prohibited at The Capes:
This includes fire pits, chimineas, gas or wood-burning patio heaters, table-top fire pits/bowls, burn barrels, sparklers, firecrackers, sky rockets, etc. Anything that produces a flame – other than a BBQ grill – is a no-no.
Since the publication of that newsletter, not one, but TWO owners were spotted burning some sort of torch or chiminea on their decks. Additionally, we talked about what is and is not acceptable in a beach fire:
Fires on the beach are allowed, but should be built with small pieces of wood only – do not burn the large logs – and should be at least 50 feet from the vegetation line. An out-of-control beach bonfire can quickly race its way up the vegetation-covered hillside to our homes if built too close to the dune. To extinguish a beach fire, always use water. A fire buried under sand will continue to burn, and could potentially burn someone who walks over it unawares.
Not to be outdone by the folks burning fires on their decks, we had an owner who then chose to ignore all recommendations for safe beach fires and built one that managed to break every single rule outlined above. Not only was it built WAY too close to the vegetation line (and our very own beach path – see the photo at the top of this post), but it was built using one of the large tree trunk logs…and the fire-starter walked away leaving it smoldering – no attempt whatsoever was made to put it out with water. And yes, we called the fire department to make sure it was properly extinguished.

With July 4th right around the corner, we are once again reminding you that ALL FIREWORKS and OUTDOOR BURNING is PROHIBITED at The Capes. The purpose of this rule is not to be a killjoy or to infringe on anyone’s perceived constitutional right to light a spark-shedding metal stick on fire in celebration of our nation’s independence. The sole intention here is to keep The Capes and all of its inhabitants safe from fire. Burning down the entire neighborhood would probably put a little bit of a damper on the holiday, don’t you agree?
Beach Cleanup – July 11th – Save the Date!
Our first attempt at a SOLVE Adopt-a-Beach Clean-up was cancelled thanks to Covid-19, but we have decided to forge ahead with our second selected date, Saturday, July 11, 2020 from 9am – Noon. All Capers who are here at The Capes are welcome (and encouraged) to come and help us keep our little stretch of beach looking beautiful. We will provide trash bags, disposable gloves, a first aid kit, a water refill station and snacks. You should bring a reusable water bottle and sunscreen, dress comfortably for the weather (whatever that may be!) and wear closed-toe shoes. If you have any of the following, feel free to bring them along: reusable dish gloves or gardening gloves, old colanders for sifting microplastic from sand, a rake or small shovel, buckets for carrying debris, or a grabber tool/litter picker. Young Capers under the age of 15 should be accompanied by an adult.
Everyone will be asked to follow CDC recommended guidelines regarding Covid-19 during this event. Volunteers should stand 6-feet apart at all times and are encouraged to bring your own gloves, hand sanitizer and tools if possible. You should also be prepared to wear a mask during times when the group is together.
Participants will need to register online prior to the event and fill out an electronic release form. The registration link can be found in the “Capes News – July 2020” newsletter that was emailed to all homeowners on July 1, 2020. If you are interested in helping with the set-up of this event, contact Jenny at
Tales from the Bridge House, Chapter Two
We had a great turnout for our premiere episode of “Tales from the Bridge House: Hidden History of the American Fashion Industry” presented by homeowner Eric P. Approximately 16 Capers served as our “live studio audience” and the event was broadcast live on The Capes Facebook page. []
If you missed it, you can catch it in syndication here:
Episode 1 – Hidden History of the American Fashion Industry:
Our next episode, entitled “Aging and Chronic Conditions (and everything else you need to know about falling apart!)” will be presented by homeowner Andreas R, MD on Thursday, July 16, 2020 from 6-8 pm. Once again, seating will be extremely limited, as we adhere to social distancing protocols. If you would like to attend this event, please use the link found in the “Capes News – July 2020” email sent to all owners on July 1, 2020 to request a reservation, and you will be notified if we are able to accommodate your request.
If you are not able to attend, but would like watch the live stream online, be sure to “Like” The Capes on Facebook so that you’ll receive notifications when we go live!
Community Call to Action
On Friday, June 26, 2020, an email went out to all Capes owners, encouraging you to write a letter in support of restoration (finally!) of the Cape Meares Loop Highway. If you haven’t already done so, Jenny has created a letter template that will make it really easy for you. Check the “Capes News – July 2020” newsletter that was emailed to all owners on July 1, 2020 for the link!
Office Closures & The Coronavirus
Tillamook County has been holding steady at 6 cases of Covid-19 (and no deaths, thank goodness!) since April 14th…that is, until about a week ago. There have been 3 new cases in Tillamook County in the past week, and overall cases in Oregon are on the rise. As a result, we will continue to restrict visits to the office to an as-needed basis, by appointment only. If you need something from the office that cannot be conducted via telephone or email, please contact Jenny (via telephone or email) to schedule an appointment. If you will need your housekey given out to a contractor or vendor, please give as much prior notice as possible.
When you do visit the office, please follow social distancing guidelines and mask requirements.
The office will be CLOSED on Friday, July 3, 2020 in observance of the Independence Day holiday.