Annual Water Quality Report
The Oceanside Water District has published and distributed their 2015 annual Water Quality Report providing residents with “Important Information About the Water You Drink.” A copy of this report has been posted to our website, and is available by navigating to Documents > Forms and Information > Water Quality Report.pdf or by clicking here: Water Quality Report.
Stop Signs and Speed Limits
As we approach the summer season, please be mindful of two things: our 15 mph speed limit, and the STOP sign at the 4-way intersection near the front of the community. The office has received several complaints recently about drivers blowing through the intersection without even slowing down, or driving recklessly through the neighborhood. Not only is this behavior discourteous to others, but with more owners (and their guests), children, pets and cars on the property, it could prove to be downright dangerous.
Stop at the STOP sign. Obey the speed limit. While I’m sure the view from your deck is quite lovely, is getting there 30 seconds faster by running the STOP sign and speeding through the neighborhood worth potentially causing an accident or killing someone? (Your answer to this question should be an emphatic, “No!”)
Four-Legged Friends
While we absolutely LOVE dogs here at The Capes, here are just a few reminders to help ensure that everyone keeps loving them as much as we do:
- All dogs must be on a leash while out walking on Capes property. If you are taking your dog down to the beach, please keep the leash ON until you’ve gotten all the way to the bottom of the stairs and your feet have hit sand. We don’t want anyone to be injured because they’re knocked down the steps by an excited pooch.
- Sometimes shi…uh, stuff happens. If it does, please be sure to clean it up, regardless of whether it’s on your property, someone else’s, or common area. There is a doggie station located in the canyon near the playground, and we keep it supplied with ‘doggie bags’ for just this purpose.
- While it is completely understandable that dogs bark on occasion, excessive barking can drive even the most stoic among us bonkers after awhile. Please do not leave your dog unattended for long periods of time in a place (e.g. on your deck, in your courtyard, near an open window) where any excessive barking could be disturbing to others.
Fourth of July BBQ
Our annual Fourth of July BBQ will be held on Saturday, July 2, 2016 from noon to 3:00pm at the meadow. Food and drinks will be provided, your job is to bring the fun! (Oh, and booze, if you want that….it’s B.Y.O…) If you’re planning to attend, please R.S.V.P. to the office no later than Sunday, June 26, 2016. Here, we’ve made it simple for you: CLICK HERE TO R.S.V.P. (ACCEPTANCES OR REGRETS)
What to do, what to do…
The next time you’re at The Capes and you’re looking for something fun to do, remember that the office has the following items available for lending:
- a horseshoe set
- two, count ’em, TWO bocce ball sets
- tennis rackets
- assorted books and games