Capes News – June 2017

An osprey in flight over The Capes (photo courtesy of Andy Delbaum)

While the Cat is Away…

I could use a few mice who would like to play. Let me explain…

I (Jenny, the manager) will be on vacation from Monday, June 26th through Friday, July 7th, which creates a few difficulties in an office of only one employee. Board Treasurer Cheryl Jones is looking for a few volunteers to help her cover the office in my absence. This will mostly entail just being available in the event that someone needs something from the office (like a key, a gate card or some trim paint). You should not need to sit in the office all day – a note on the door saying, “Call me at 503-555-5555 if you need assistance” should suffice. If you’re available and willing to cover a day or two during that timeframe, please let me know so that I can set up a schedule.

Annual Independence Day BBQ

Our annual 4th of July Weekend BBQ is only a month away! This year it will be held on Saturday, July 1, 2017 from noon until 3:00 pm at the meadow. The HOA will supply the burgers, hot dogs, buns and all the fixin’s, along with soda and bottled water. Owners should bring a side dish or dessert to share, and any “alternative beverages” that you would like. Family, guests and 4-legged friends are welcome – provided they are on a leash, of course. (I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether the leash goes on your family, your friends or your dog.) This annual barbecue is a great opportunity to meet new neighbors and catch up with everyone else.

Please take a few minutes right now to let us know if you will or will not be attending, and if you are interested in helping to organize the event by taking this very brief survey:


The Girl Who Cried “Helicopter!”

I am almost hesitant to make this announcement, because every time I say the helicopter is coming, something keeps it from happening. That being said, the helicopter is scheduled to be here on Monday and Tuesday, June 5-6, 2017 to do its final round (I HOPE!) of tree removals. As it is flying trees OUT of the canyon, it will also be flying 1,000 pound bags of gravel INTO the canyon, so please be aware of your surroundings and try not to be UNDER any of it.

Maintenance Inspections

The first round of maintenance inspection letters was mailed out to townhome owners on May 17, 2017. These went to lot numbers 3-38 and 47-59. (If you own one of these lots and did not receive a letter, please contact the office.) Lot numbers 60-83 and 173-175 have been inspected, and I am working on getting those letters ready to send out by the end of next week. Lot numbers 40-45 on Capes Drive, and all townhomes on Promontory have not yet been inspected. Once you receive your letter, we are asking owners to do what they can within 60 days, however, as we are coming up on what passes for summer on the Oregon coast and the busy season for many local contractors, it is understandable that some repairs may not be completed within that timeframe. If you anticipate needing more time to complete your maintenance items, please inform the office.

Trash in the Canyon

Here at The Capes we fully support any and all efforts to clean up the beach. That being said, if you bring up trash from the beach, please do not leave it in the canyon. Our landscapers maintain the canyon doggie station as a courtesy to us, and they do pick up litter as they come across it, however large chunks of garbage dumped beside the trash can exceeds the scope of their responsibility. If it is too large to fit inside the trash can, please take it with you and dispose of it properly. (And if anyone can please explain the fluorescent light bulb to me, I will give you a quart of ice cream. I mean, there’s no way that washed up on the beach unscathed, so why on earth would anyone take it IN to the canyon to throw it away???)