It’s June, which means our three days of summer will soon be upon us here at the Oregon coast. While we don’t yet know exactly when they will happen, it’s always good to be prepared. Here are just a few reminders pertaining to the much busier than usual summer months (days? hours?) at The Capes:
Architectural Review Committee
Drier weather means more opportunities for doing work outdoors. Please remember that ALL exterior work on your home at The Capes requires prior approval from the Architectural Review Committee. This includes propane tank installation, deck replacement, major dry rot repair, roof replacement, the installation of pink flamingos in your yard (just a head’s up, that one will probably be rejected…), etc.
If it’s just a small repair – replacing two or three shingles that are damaged, for example – you don’t need approval, but if you’re replacing half a wall of shingles then you’d definitely need to submit an ARC request. Most work will only require that you submit an ARC Request for Minor Review – that’s for work where you’d only like to make a minor change to something, or you’re doing a bigger job but plan on replacing the existing materials like-for-like. If you’re planning something much larger, such as building a home on your undeveloped lot, you will need to submit a request for a full Architectural Review.
The ARC Request for Minor Review form only takes a few moments to fill out (in most cases you can get your contractor to fill it out and submit it for you!) but can save you a lot more in headaches and $$. Proceeding ahead with a project that has not yet been approved could wind up costing you more down the line if the ARC requires you to make changes later!
Independence Day Weekend BBQ
Our annual Independence Day Weekend BBQ is only a little over a month away! This year it will be held on Saturday, July 7, 2018 from noon until 3:00 pm at the meadow. The HOA will supply the burgers, hot dogs, buns and all the fixin’s, along with soda and bottled water. Owners should bring a side dish or dessert to share, and any “alternative beverages” that you would like. Family, guests and 4-legged friends are welcome – provided they are on a leash, of course. (I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether the leash goes on your family, your friends or your dog.) This annual barbecue is a great opportunity to meet new neighbors and catch up with everyone else.
Please take a few minutes right now to let us know if you will or will not be attending (I’ll take “maybe” for an answer, too!), and if you are interested in helping to organize the event by taking this very brief survey:
CLICK HERE TO RSVP FOR THE JULY 7 BBQ!!! (Do it now, before you forget. It’ll only take a minute, I promise!)
Guests and Renters
Warmer, sunnier weather means that everyone wants to come to the beach. Who can blame them, right? Here are just a few reminders that pertain to guests and renters:
- If someone will be staying in your home overnight when you will not be here you must notify the office prior to their arrival. This must be done for anyone who is not a member of your family: friends, acquaintances, complete strangers, renters, etc. Notification is easy – just use our handy-dandy Guest Notification Form – FOR OWNERS. This form can be found on every page of our website on the right sidebar under “Commonly Used Links”.
- Prior to or upon your guest/renter’s arrival at The Capes, they must check in/register with the office. [Again, this only pertains to non-family members who will be staying in your home overnight when you are not here.] They can check in online by using the Guest Registration/Check-In Form – FOR GUESTS AND RENTERS or they can stop by the office to fill out a hard copy form. For those who arrive after regular business hours, forms are available in the white box just outside the office door and can be placed in the black mailbox to the left of the office door when complete.
- Per Article 12.3 RENTAL RESTRICTIONS of the CC&R’s, owners are not permitted to rent or lease their homes for more than a cumulative total of thirty (30) calendar days per year. Additionally, a home may not be rented/leased for a period of time less than seven (7) continuous days – the Capes does not allow “short-term” weekend-only type rentals.
- If you plan to rent your home (for no more than the maximum allowed 30 calendar days per year!), you absolutely must have a Short Term Rental permit from Tillamook County. The county (per their website) fines $500 per day to owners who rent without a permit!
- Violating the CC&R restrictions on rentals can lead to quite hefty fines. Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations: Before You Rent Your Home at The Capes.
Beach Fires
In the week, I personally have witnessed TWO unattended fires left smoldering on the beach below The Capes. While building a fire on the public beach is not prohibited, there are rules that must be followed in order to safely enjoy a beach fire. Fires must be laid well away from vegetation, and may not be made with the large, tree-sized logs that frequently wash up on our shores. A beach-goer who builds a fire must have water available to extinguish the blaze, as well – simply burying your fire under the sand will not necessarily put it out. It can continue to smolder and could potentially reignite while unattended, or cause burns to someone (or someone’s dog) walking by unawares. When putting out your beach fire, you should separate the remaining wood and douse it with water to ensure that it is truly out before you walk away.
If you see a fire burning on the beach that you believe may be in violation of the rules or just plain doesn’t look safe – whether it’s attended or not – you can call the Netarts-Oceanside Fire District, and they will come check it out. Their office number is 503-842-5900. If it’s after hours or a Sunday, you can call the non-emergency number at 503-815-1911.
Beware of Sleeping Capers
When the weather turns nice, it’s natural to want to get outside and explore, and what better place to explore is there than The Capes? That being said, please be mindful of the privacy of others when you’re out exploring our beautiful neighborhood. Many of our town homes on the west side of the property have bedrooms on the lower levels…so while you may only be intent on checking out the fabulous view of the ocean behind the town homes, one of your neighbors might be uncomfortable to find you standing outside of his or her bedroom window early in the morning or late at night. [Not to mention, you’re technically trespassing, since the property lines for the west side town homes on Capes Drive, Capes Loop and Capes Point each extend for some distance over the edge of the cliff and down the hillside a bit.]
Upcoming Summer Projects
Just as an FYI, I wanted to let you all know of some of the projects we’ve got coming up this summer. I don’t have specifics on any of them yet, but wanted to put them on your radar.
- Ofstad Painting will be here sometime around the beginning of July to begin the Phase I town home painting. Lot numbers 3 – 38 will get a fresh coat of paint on all of their exterior white trim and front doors. If you own one of those units and would like to change the color of your front door, now would be a good time to let me know. You can choose from the 3 approved colors: red, blue or green. The only caveat is you cannot have the same door color as your adjoining neighbor.
- Road and driveway seal coating – Later this summer all of the roads at The Capes will be seal coated. Owners will also then have the option to get their driveways done. I don’t yet know when exactly, but will keep you posted!
- This summer our tennis court will be resurfaced, and the new surface will include Pickleball lines in addition to the regular tennis court!