Upcoming Board Election News
As you may recall, The Capes Homeowners Association will have 3 board seats up for election this April. At the board meeting on February 20, 2016, two of the three departing members, Petra Shapiro and Claude Zeller announced their intention to run for the board again. This means, there is still room for 1 more volunteer. Will it be you? Contact the Manager’s Office ASAP to get your name on the ballot!
Save the Date
We hope to see as many of you as possible at the annual meeting on Saturday, April 16, 2016. The meeting will be held at the Netarts-Oceanside Fire Station located at 1235 5th St Loop W in Netarts, and will start at 10:00 am. Meeting materials will be mailed out towards the end of March, so if you’ve changed mailing addresses recently and haven’t yet notified the Manager’s Office, now would be a great time to take care of that!
Please note: Because voting is limited to one vote per LOT, only ONE packet of materials will be mailed out for each LOT at The Capes. In the event that there are multiple owners of a single property, the mailing will go to the owner that typically pays the HOA dues. It will be the responsibility of that owner to share information with his/her partners, so that all partners can decide amongst themselves how to cast the vote for their lot.
Survey Says…
The results of the Long Term Rental survey were emailed to all Capes owners on Friday, February 26, 2016. If you did not receive the email and would like to review the results, you can find them on the Owner’s Only section of this website, listed with the documents. No decisions or changes have been made on the subject at this time, and the Board looks forward to continuing the discussion with Capes owners at April’s annual meeting.
Emergency Communications
With the never-ending road closures and constant threat of “The Big One” looming over us here at the Oregon coast, the Emergency Readiness Committee has been talking to some of the local authorities lately for suggestions on how to handle emergency communications should a natural disaster or other emergency leave us stranded here in the community without power, phone service or internet. One of their suggestions was to purchase and keep on hand a combination Amateur Radio and FRS (Family Radio Service – short distance walkie-talkie type frequency) hand-held radio. This would allow us not only to be able to hear and communicate with authorities outside of the Capes via the Amateur Radio band, but would also allow people within the Capes to communicate across the property to others with their own radios via the FRS.
The only catch is that in order to broadcast using the Amateur Radio settings on the device, a user must have their amateur radio license – if you’re not licensed, you may only listen on that band. (No license is required for the FRS portion.) If you’re interested in getting your amateur radio license, or if you already have it and are an experienced ‘Ham’….let us know! Additionally, if you’d be interested in purchasing one of these radios to keep in your own emergency kit (I’m sure you have one, right??!!??) let us know. The cost is around $50.
The Broom Needs a Clean Sweep!
With spring right around the corner, it’s time for everyone to take a good look around their lot at The Capes for Scotch Broom. Scotch Broom is an extremely invasive, noxious weed that tends to run rampant when left unchecked, and should not be allowed to grow on Capes property. If you have any growing on your lot, now would be a great time to have it removed, before it starts to bloom and spread. Last fall, Josh Vance of His Glory Maintenance and Landscaping did a great job removing all of the Broom in the common area to the south of the Manager’s Office…so we’d definitely recommend him to anyone who has this same issue!