Your Board Seat Awaits…
An email went out to all owners last week, but in case you missed it, there will be two positions up for election on The Capes board of directors at this April’s annual meeting. (April 22, 2017 – save that date!) If you’re a real go-getter who wants to help The Capes be the best that it can be, throw your hat in the ring today! Send an email to manager@TheCapesHOA.org now, to declare your intention to run for the board. C’mon…you know you want to…
It’s a (Planting) Party!
Break out your gardening gloves and warm up those green thumbs – we’re looking for a few adventurous souls who aren’t afraid to get down and dirty with us for a couple of hours on Sunday, March 19, 2017. We’ll be installing some new plants in front of the tennis court on Fall Creek Drive, and could use a helping hand (or twelve)! It’s a fun opportunity to get outside, get to know some of your neighbors, and help Make The Capes Great Again. (Ok, just kidding with that last one – we already think it’s pretty darned great!) If you’d be interested in volunteering, please contact the office. More details will be available soon.
Spring Clean-Up
Our Spring Clean-Up will start on Friday, March 24, 2017 and continue through Monday, April 3, 2017. During this 10 day period, several collection areas will be set up throughout The Capes for owners to dispose of lawn debris above and beyond the typical 2 bags-per-week that the landscape crew picks up. Watch your email for more details, coming soon!
Maintenance Inspections
Annual maintenance inspections for townhomes were started in mid-February, and are approximately 40% complete…but with rain in the forecast for the next 15 years days straight, it may be a few more weeks before they are all finished and letters start going out to owners. One of the most disturbing things that we’re finding so far is a large number of upper level decks with significantly rotted boards and rusted/failing brackets and joist hangers. All owners at The Capes are strongly encouraged to check your decks regularly, and if you find any of these issues, call in a professional to evaluate the safety of your structure. Don’t wait until it’s too late and someone’s been injured or killed. (That’s my PSA for the day. I’ll get off the soapbox now.)
An April Update
April the Giraffe has still not (as of 5:24pm PST on 3/1/2017) given birth. For anyone who has thus far managed to not be drawn in to this time-sucking event, I give you the link to the live giraffe cam. You’re welcome.