2019 Reserve Study
The updated reserve study for 2019 has been posted to the Owner’s Only section of this website and is available for your review. (A direct link to the document has also been emailed to all Capes owners in the Capes News – March 2019 email sent out on March 1, 2019.) If you have any trouble accessing the document, please contact the office for assistance.
Annual Meeting
Remember – our annual homeowners meeting will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 10 am at the Netarts Fire Station meeting room. All Capes owners are invited (and encouraged!) to attend. Meeting packets will be snail-mailed at the end of March, one packet for each LOT. (Meaning if your lot has multiple owners, only one of you will receive the packet and it’s up to you to share it with your co-owners.) If you have a preference as to which owner receives the packet, or if your mailing address has changed since last year’s packet was mailed out, now would be a good time to let the office know. Hope to see you there!
Canyon Trail Repair
This is just a reminder that on March 14, 2019 (and possibly March 15 as well) Ground FX will be working on repairing the canyon trail between the hammerhead stairs and the beach stairs. This trail to the beach will be closed to all foot traffic while the crew is working. If you need to access the beach during this time, please plan to use the trail on Fall Creek Drive next to the tennis court. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Dumpster Driveway Problems?
The office has recently received word from an owner that he’s been having trouble with his car “bottoming out” on the driveway down to the dumpster area. This is the first notice we’ve received about this issue, and wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this problem. If you have, please contact the office and let us know!
Quarter of Giving – Spotlight on TAPA
This will be our final month collecting donations for the current Quarter of Giving recipient – the Tillamook Association for the Performing Arts. TAPA is a local non-profit community theater that has been providing entertainment to Tillamook and the surrounding areas since 1980. Performances are held several times per year in the Barn Community Playhouse at the corner of 12th and Ivy in Tillamook.
TAPA’s Mission is to provide a high quality experience in the performing arts through entertainment, education, and community participation. This year’s performances will include Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf in April, a female version of The Odd Couple in June and Arsenic and Old Lace in October. Visit TAPA’s website for more information on this organization: tillamooktheater.com.
We will be collecting donations for this organization through March 31, 2019. Please mail your donation to the office at The Capes HOA, PO Box 404, Oceanside, OR 97134. Checks should be made out to TAPA and donations are tax deductible. If you would be interested in volunteering with TAPA for an upcoming production – whether on-stage or behind the scenes – email info@tillamooktheater.com, call 503-812-0275 or visit the website for more details.
Community Support Opportunity
Along a similar vein to the Quarter of Giving, homeowner Cherie Plaisted has asked me to pass along the following message:
As you may or may not know, one of our local Tillamook farms – the R&R Dairy – suffered a devastating fire two months ago in which they lost a 60-by-120 pole barn, farm equipment and 48 calves. (You may recognize them as the farm with the fresh eggs for sale on the left side of the road just after you pass the radio station on the way into Tillamook.) I’ve talked about it with a few neighbors, and we would like to show the dairy how much their loss has touched us by donating a tree to commemorate this deep loss and give them hope for the future. If you would like to participate in the donation, or if you have other ideas about how we can show our support, please email me (Cherie Plaisted) at csplaisted@charter.net. Thank you!
Bob(cat) is BACK!
Our friendly neighborhood bobcat was spotted at the dumpster area at 6:10 pm on February 28. Be on the lookout if you’re taking out your trash in the evening!