Two Big Projects, Coming Soon!
High Desert Builders will be on-site starting the second week in March to tackle two very important projects – the long-awaited repairs to the Capes Point stairs and replacement of the north perimeter fence. The long fence that runs along the north end of the community has received a few repairs here and there over the years, but is generally in pretty bad shape and will be replaced entirely, except for the first 7 sections or so on the Capes Drive end that were replaced a couple of years ago. Both projects are expected to take a total of 1 1/2 – 2 weeks.
Annual Meeting/Voting Information
As we are still not out of the deep, dark Covid19 woods just yet, voting for this year’s director election will once again take place via mail-in (or email-in) ballot. We are still working out the particulars, so watch your inbox for more details to come within the next week. The goal is to get the ballots out later this month so that they can be returned prior to our April 17, 2021 Annual Homeowners (Zoom) Meeting, when the winners will be announced.
There are two seats with expiring terms this year – those belonging to Petra Shapiro and Cherie Plaisted. Both Petra and Cherie will be running for re-election, and will be joined in the race by fellow homeowners John Anderton and Jim Huegli.
The ARC Needs YOU!
The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is a volunteer committee formed by the authorization of Article VII of the CC&Rs for the purpose of:
- Ensuring the consistency of architectural design and appearance throughout the Capes
- Establishing guidelines and standards that apply uniformly to all homeowners
- Protecting property values through uniform standards of quality and consistency
- Ensuring that new construction and alterations to existing homes exist in harmony with the unique environment and architectural theme of The Capes
- Assisting the homeowner, where possible, to address unique situations
Currently, the ARC is seeking new members, particularly those who have a background/interest in architectural and site design, construction, or a similar field. The committee meets on an as-needed basis and corresponds largely via email to review incoming requests. If you are interested in volunteering for the ARC, please contact the committee at
Almost Time to SPRING AHEAD!
Daylight Savings Time officially begins again at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 14, 2021, so don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour. While this does mean we lose an hour of sleep, that extra hour of daylight for beach walks more than makes up for it!