Annual Meeting Accomplished!
Approximately 50 Capes owners attended our annual Homeowners Meeting last Saturday, 4/16/2016 at the Netarts Fire Hall. Prior board members Petra Shapiro and Claude Zeller were re-elected to new terms on The Capes Board of Directors, and Scott Newcombe was nominated and elected to fill the seat vacated by Lynne Styles. At a brief BOD meeting following the annual meeting, board members voted to fill the various positions as follows:
- Tim Breaux – President
- Michael Sydow – Vice President
- Cheryl Jones – Treasurer
- Claude Zeller – Secretary
Complete meeting minutes for both meetings are available in the documents section of the Owner’s Only page on this website.
Emergency Radios
The most recent focus of the Emergency Readiness Committee has been on how best to establish emergency communications in the event of a catastrophic disaster or other emergency at The Capes. How would we receive vital information if power is out for an extended period of time, and the internet is down? How would we communicate with others across the community?
In early February, the committee met with Nehalem Bay Emergency Management Division Director, Linda Kozlowski, and the Director of Tillamook Emergency Management, Gordon McCraw to discuss these and other issues related to Emergency Preparedness. One of the things we learned about is what Ms. Kozlowski and Mr. McCraw call the “Yellow Radio.” The BaoFeng UV-5R+ is a hand-held, dual band radio that is being used by several Emergency Preparedness groups throughout the area. Not only can they be used as two-way radios to facilitate communication between different points in The Capes via GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) channels, but they can also receive and broadcast on Amateur (HAM) Radio frequencies, and receive FM Radio frequencies. (Note: You must have an Amateur Radio License to broadcast on AR frequencies, but no licensing is necessary to listen.)
We are able to purchase these radios pre-programmed with many local channels, including the Tillamook County Sherriff’s Office, Fire Department, Oregon State Police, and the Tillamook PUD. The Emergency Readiness Committee has purchased 5 of these radios to add to The Capes emergency kit with the intention of placing them strategically throughout the community in the event of an emergency, and plans to set up monthly or quarterly radio “emergency drills” so that those with radios can become (and remain) comfortable with their use.
Any homeowner who would like to purchase a radio for their own emergency kit can order one by contacting Karinda Boone or Jenny Green at the office no later than Sunday, May 8, 2016. The cost of the radio is $50. Additionally, please contact the office if you would like to be included in the emergency drills.
For Sale
If you have a home or lot for sale here at The Capes, and would like for us to mention it on our Home Listings page, please let us know. We currently have listings for 4 townhomes, 1 single family home and 3 undeveloped lots (one of which will be available for auction in mid-May with NO minimum bid). If you know someone who’s looking for a beautiful Oregon Coast beach getaway, our Home Listings page is a one-stop shopping opportunity, so pass it along!
The Capes Annual Ice Cream Social
If you’re planning to be at The Capes over Memorial Day weekend, don’t forget to join us on Saturday, May 28th from 2-4pm at the Bridge House for our annual Ice Cream Social. We’ll bring the ice cream (and all the toppings!), you bring the fun (and your appetite)!
CARE Bowl-a-Thon
The 11th annual Knock Down Poverty CARE Bowl-a-Thon will take place on Saturday, May 7, 2016, and a few of our homeowners have put together a bowling team and will be participating. If you are interested in pledging a donation, please contact the office. If you are interested in taking part in the Bowl-a-Thon, call CARE at 503-842-5261.
CARE (careinc.org) is a locally-controlled nonprofit social services agency providing a wide array of services for people in crisis or struggling to make ends meet in Tillamook County. Some of CARE’s programs include Emergency Assistance (emergency food; assistance with prescriptions, rent and energy bills; gas vouchers), LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program), Homeless Services, Healthy Start (support for first-time parents), Assisted Living (housing and help with daily living for seniors and the disabled) and Community Development. They offer many volunteer opportunities for those who are interested.