The Capes Board of Directors voted on and approved the new 2017 budget at their make-up meeting on October 29, 2016 after being weathered-out on October 15. The new HOA dues go into effect starting January 1, 2017 and are listed below. If you utilize your bank’s autopay program, please make sure to adjust your payment amount accordingly before your January payment is sent.
- Unimproved lots: $122 per month [Quarterly: $366; 6 Months: $732; Full Year: $1,464]
- Single Family Homes: $129 per month [Quarterly: $387; 6 Months: $774; Full Year: $1,548]
- Cottages: $129 per month [Quarterly: $387; 6 Months: $774; Full Year: $1,548]
- Townhomes: $248 per month [Quarterly: $744; 6 Months: $1,488; Full Year: $2,976]
2017 Dues Payment Booklets – YOUR ACTION IS REQUIRED!
In order to eliminate unnecessary expenses, we are once again only ordering dues payment booklets for those homeowners that request them. They are for YOUR convenience only – the office does not need to have a payment coupon in order to process your check. As an alternative to a coupon book, you may instead elect to have a monthly (or quarterly, or annual) reminder and account statement emailed to you.
Please use the link below to request your payment book, request email reminders or let us know that you don’t need any reminders. Requests for payment books must be received no later than 12/1/2016 to be included in the order.
Click here:
Change Your Clocks, Change Your Batteries!
Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00 AM this Sunday, November 6, 2016. The office would like to remind you that when you set your clocks back, you should change the batteries in your smoke detectors as well. Don’t wait until they start to chirp, because the Murphy’s Law of Smoke Detectors pretty much guarantees that this will happen at the most inconvenient time possible…like at 3am…during a winter storm…when you’ve got the flu…with no batteries in the house…and no ladder…
Stop by the office and borrow a ladder TODAY, so this doesn’t happen to you!
CPR and First Aid Training
The Nehalem Bay Emergency Volunteer Corps will be presenting a training class on American Red Cross CPR and First Aid on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 from 9am to 3:30 pm. This course is free if you are a Red Cross volunteer and $27 if you aren’t. It is being taught at the Nehalem Bay Fire and Rescue station #13 at 36375 Highway 101 in Nehalem. Those who are interested should email president@evcnb.org to reserve a space, as class size is limited. This is an all-day class, so plan to bring your lunch.