How DO you DUE?
It’s that time of year again when I beg ask you to let me know if you would like to receive a tear-out payment book for your 2019 HOA dues…or if you’d rather have a statement/reminder emailed to you…or if you’re one of those independent types that don’t need no stinkin’ reminders. Whatever your preference, please take a moment now to let me know by filling out this brief form:
So far, I’ve heard from 56 of you, but I know there are more of you out there! I will be placing the order for the payment books on Monday, December 3, 2018. If I haven’t heard from you by then, you may not receive a payment book. You have been warned.
[Please also note, the office absolutely does NOT need to have that tear-out coupon to process your dues payment. They are entirely for your convenience only. If the only reason you like them is because they come with mailing labels, let me know, and I’ll be happy to mail you some labels!]
2019 Budget
Here it is, folks, the moment you’ve all been waiting for – the proposed 2019 annual budget has been uploaded to the Owner’s Only documents section of this website for your perusal. [A direct link to the document is included in the November 1 newsletter emailed to all owners, as well.] Please take a few moments to review the budget, and if you have any questions at all, direct them to Board Treasurer, Cheryl Jones. [Her contact information can be found in the budget cover letter.] The Board of Directors will vote to approve the budget at their next meeting on Saturday, November 17, 2018.
If the budget is approved as-is, HOA dues will increase as follows, starting on January 1, 2019:
- Undeveloped Lots will increase from $126 to $129 per month
- Single Family homes will increase from $134 to $137 per month
- Cottages will increase from $134 to $137 per month
- Townhomes will increase from $254 to $269 per month
A detailed explanation of the increases can be found in the budget cover letter, but the two main contributing factors are the rising costs of landscaping (both common area and townhome) and townhome trim painting. [Note: townhome landscaping and trim painting affects the townhome monthly dues only.] Our 2019 landscaping contracts saw a 4% increase over 2018, due to the rising costs of green waste, fuel and labor. Starting with this year’s Phase I painting cycle, the townhome trim painting costs have gone up by a little over $600 per townhome – the first increase for painting since the 2009-2011 painting cycle.
Quarter of Giving – Two Organizations That Need YOUR Support!
We are still collecting donations for the Tillamook Animal Shelter and United Paws through December 31, 2018. (See our October Newsletter for details on both organizations.) If you would like to help local cats and dogs by donating to either (or both!) of these local organizations, you can drop your donation off at the office or mail it to The Capes Homeowners Association, PO Box 404, Oceanside, OR 97134.
To make it super-simple, I’ve put together two Amazon wishlists containing a few much-needed items for each group. (Though you are welcome to make your own selections, if you’ve got something different in mind!) Most of the items are Prime eligible, so Prime members can have them shipped to the office for free. (The office address is already set up in the wishlists, but if you need it, it’s 605 Capes Drive, Oceanside, OR 97134)
Daylight savings time ends on Sunday, November 4, 2018 at 2:00 am – don’t forget to turn back your clocks by 1 hour. (Which – in theory – means you should get an extra hour of sleep…but if you’re anything like me, it really means that you’ll be up EXTRA early Sunday morning!) This is also a good time to change the batteries in your smoke detectors and check the expiration dates on the food in your emergency supply kit. Take out anything that will be expiring within the next 6 months to eat now and replace it with new supplies. [If you just thought to yourself, “I don’t have an emergency supply kit, so this doesn’t apply to me,” we need to talk.]
November Office Closures
The Homeowners Association office will be closed on Thursday, November 22, 2018 and Friday, November 23, 2018 (pending Board approval, of course – I haven’t actually asked them for the day off yet!) in celebration of Black Friday sales eating way too much food the Thanksgiving holiday. Please do me a huge, huge favor and try your absolute best not to have any emergencies that weekend that require HOA intervention, ok?
It Was a Dark and Stormy Night…
Literally. It rained. (It poured.) The wind howled. It was the kind of night into which only a few brave souls dared to venture…15, to be precise. Our huge, Brats ‘n Boos extravaganza turned into more of a modest, intimate soiree, but the food was good, and we had a great time! Click here for the full photo album.