Capes News – November 2024

The Season For Giving

The Capes, A Caring Community
Hello Community,

A few years ago, our community pulled together over a two year period and donated $67,000 to the Netarts Oceanside Fire Department.  We came together to support a department that needed wildland fire fighting outfits [coats, pants, helmets, axes], equipment [jaws of life and struts to stabilize trucks on hillsides] and drones to help with water rescues.

Now is the time to be generous again.  We are looking at how The Capers can come together fighting hunger in Tillamook county and protecting the habitat of Netarts Bay. Three members of our board of directors have already pledged to donate collectively $1,500 to get the ball rolling.  Together we are recommending supporting Tillamook Food Bank or WEBS [Friends of Netarts Bay – Watershed, Estuary, Beach & Sea].

Here’s what’s you can do:

Drop a check made out to one of these organizations [or checks to each] to Jenny Green in The Capes Manager’s Office. She will safeguard them and she and board member Susan Hunter will deliver checks to the respective organizations by December 13th, 2024.

Or, donate directly to one [or both] of these organizations and email us so we can collectively know what our response was. You can send a check to the mailing addresses below, or donate directly through their websites.

Write to either Jenny to tell her how much you were able to donate and to whom ( or write to Susan Hunter, HOA Board Member, (  All donations will be tallied and a total figure will be released to the community with names of donors and the total amounts we gave [individual donor amounts will be kept confidential].


A gathering will be held at The Bridge House so we can celebrate our goodness, Saturday, February 8, 2025.

Thanks!  Let’s do this!

Susan Hunter

How Do You Due?

While the budget for next year isn’t quite ready yet, it’s that time of year again when we beg ask you to let us know how you would like to pay your 2025 HOA dues. Would you like to make one payment for the whole year, or would you prefer to pay monthly? Quarterly? Twice a year? Do you want a tear-out payment book to help you remember to pay, or would you like to have reminders emailed to you? Or maybe you’re one of those independent types who don’t need no stinkin’ reminders?

Whatever your preference, please take a moment now to let us know by filling out the brief form below. [You DO NOT have to log into Gmail or Google to fill out this form. If you see a link prompting you to do that, you can skip right over that link and scroll down to the form itself.]

We will be placing orders for the tear-out payment books on December 9, 2024, so if you want one, you need to fill out this form no later than Sunday, December 8, 2024. Please note, the office absolutely does NOT need to have that tear-out coupon to process your dues payment. They are for your convenience only. If the only reason you like them is because they come with mailing labels, let us know, and we’ll be happy to mail you some labels instead!

One last thing – if you decide later on that you’d like to change the frequency of your payments from whatever you choose now, that’s totally fine. Nothing is set in stone here, it’s only a tool to help get things set up for next year. Adjustments can always be made later!

Recycling Survey

The Capes HOA Board is exploring the possibility of adding cardboard recycling services to our community’s waste management options. This survey will help us understand homeowner interest and determine if this addition is worth pursuing. Please take a moment to review the details below and answer a few quick questions by Thursday, November 14, 2024. (Just do it now, it’ll only take a minute! LOL)

Recycling Option Details:

  • Type of Recycling: City Sanitary currently only offers recycling of cardboard to its commercial customers (all other recycling, such as paper, glass, plastic, bottles, and cans, will still be the homeowner’s responsibility)
  • Accepted Cardboard: Flattened, regular brown corrugated cardboard boxes must be clean and dry without any waxy coatings. Boxes that have coatings or coloring will not be accepted.
  • Important Note: If any regular garbage is mixed in with the cardboard, the entire load will be disposed of as trash, resulting in an additional fee for our HOA.

Annual Cost:

  • One 2-yard container (emptied weekly): $1,236 per year
    Cost per lot: $6.68/year or $0.56/month
  • Two 2-yard containers (in the event that one is not sufficient to handle the volume): $1,506 per year
    Cost per lot: $8.14/year or $0.68/month
  • Additional Costs:
    In addition to the monthly charges, there will be one-time costs to pour the concrete pad on which the container(s) sit. Estimates we’ve obtained thus far range between $750 and $2,500.

Based on the information above, please take this brief 4-question survey in order to help us gauge community interest:


[You DO NOT have to log into Gmail or Google to fill out this form. If you see a link prompting you to do that, you can skip right over that link and scroll down to the form itself.]