2018 Proposed Budget
The proposed 2018 budget is now available for all homeowners to review before the board votes on it at their next meeting on October 21, 2017. Please take a few moments to check it out, and contact our Board Treasurer, Cheryl Jones at cherylaj@charter.net if you have any questions. The budget can be accessed by visiting the Owner’s Only section of this website and scrolling down to “Owners-Only Documents.” (You must be a registered user to access the Owner’s Only pages.) A direct link to the budget document can also be found in the Capes News – October 2017 email that went out to all owners on October 1st. Contact the office if you have any trouble opening the document, and we’ll help you out!
How do you like your DUES REMINDERS?
It’s that time of year again when I beg ask you to let me know if you would like to receive a tear-out payment book for your 2018 HOA dues…or if you’d rather have a statement/reminder emailed to you…or if you’re one of those independent types that don’t need no stinkin’ reminders. Whatever your preference, please take a moment now to let me know by filling out this brief form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0C7nxVhpaw6AY9rw-nlsFNVUDBKQAiOw5CvnpEPHnHPKqbQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
I will be placing the order for the payment books on Monday, December 4, 2017. If I haven’t heard from you by then, you may not receive a payment book. You have been warned.
[Please also note, the office absolutely does NOT need to have that tear-out coupon to process your dues payment. They are entirely for your convenience only. If the only reason you like them is because they come with mailing labels, let me know, and I’ll be happy to mail you some labels!]
No Itsy Bitsy Spiders on THIS Waterspout!
As many of you know, we had a little excitement here at The Capes on 9/18/17 in the form of a rather large waterspout right off the coast. I want to take this opportunity to extend a special thank you to all of the Capes owners who decided to thumb their nose at the conventional wisdom dictating that one should cower in an interior room when faced with a large funnel cloud headed their way, and instead elected to photograph the behemoth and send me the pictures. Obviously, I have trained you all well. I have uploaded the shared photos to an album, which you can view here:
(Thanks to Mary B., Louie B., Doreen C., Jorge G., Meta N., Toni S., Carter T., and Vickie W. for the photos!)
And we’ve got video, too…(don’t forget to “Like” our Facebook page while you’re watching the videos!)
Video 1: https://www.facebook.com/thecapes/posts/1580345212045169
Video 2: https://www.facebook.com/thecapes/posts/1580345685378455
Video 3: https://www.facebook.com/thecapes/posts/1580349048711452
(Thanks to Cheryl J. for the videos!)
New Text Message Reminders and Emergency Notices
As I rushed to send out an email to our owners warning them of the impending funnel cloud, I found myself wishing that we had a more immediate way of reaching people quickly. Crazy as it sounds, not everyone obsessively reads their email on their cell phones the second it arrives. (I know, I’m as shocked as you are!) So, in order to reach our owners quickly in the event of an emergency, or to send out special reminders such as road closures or wine parties (because, let’s face it…priorities…), The Capes will now send out text messages to all owners who elect to opt-in. This service will be used for emergencies and special notices only, so there’s no need to worry that your message inbox will suddenly be flooded with texts reminding owners to pick up their dog poo…we’ll save that for the monthly email/website updates.
To opt-in to this new service, follow the directions in your October Capes News email.
Brats ‘n Brews
It’s Ocktoberfest at The Capes! Join us for the annual Brats ‘n Brewfest at The Bridge House, from 4-7 pm on Saturday October 21. Put on your lederhosen and enjoy your favorite beer and Tillamook home-packed brats. We’ll have brats with all the fixings, potato salad, soda and water. All you need to bring is your appetite, favorite side dish or dessert and beer to share. [Come on now – be creative…potato salad is great, but we don’t need a dozen of them!]
If you’re interested in manning the grill, or want to help decorate or clean up, just let the office know – we always love to have the help.
Pacific Restaurant is Open for Business
Anyone looking for a “new” place to eat while visiting The Capes might want to check out Pacific Restaurant on 2nd and Main in Tillamook. Formerly known as Pacific House, they have (finally!) opened up at their new location (where the 2nd Street Market used to be) after being closed for the last year and a half largely due to the major road construction going on in town. For now, they will be offering a limited lunch and dinner menu and will be open from 11am – 9pm. I have it on good authority that their food is quite tasty, so be sure and stop by and check it out!