How do you like your DUES REMINDERS?
It’s that time of year again when I beg ask you to let me know if you would like to receive a tear-out payment book for your 2019 HOA dues…or if you’d rather have a statement/reminder emailed to you…or if you’re one of those independent types that don’t need no stinkin’ reminders. Whatever your preference, please take a moment now to let me know by filling out this brief form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfw5f3g_BycnVylUcls8DHGPFGsrgxybTvCRCnleFxAtY1aIg/viewform?usp=sf_link
I will be placing the order for the payment books on Monday, December 3, 2018. If I haven’t heard from you by then, you may not receive a payment book. You have been warned.
[Please also note, the office absolutely does NOT need to have that tear-out coupon to process your dues payment. They are entirely for your convenience only. If the only reason you like them is because they come with mailing labels, let me know, and I’ll be happy to mail you some labels!]
Brats ‘n Boos
It’s Ocktoberfest meets Frankenstein at The Capes! Join us for the Brats ‘n Boosfest at The Bridge House, from 4-7 pm on Saturday, October 27. Put on your Halloween costume and come enjoy your favorite beer and Tillamook home-packed brats. We’ll provide the brats with all the fixings, potato salad, soda and water. All you need to bring is your appetite, a favorite side dish or dessert and some beer to share. Costumes aren’t mandatory, but they sure are encouraged! We’ll have a couple of small prizes for the best ones! [We will also be collecting donations for this quarter’s Quarter of Giving organizations, the Tillamook Animal Shelter and United Paws. Please see the article below for more information on these two local organizations.]
Canyon Trail to the Beach
As you may recall, the trail to the beach sustained some damage due to water/erosion when a catch basin overflowed during an extremely heavy period of rain early on 9/23/18. We are currently working to get the drain inspected in order to ensure that there is no blockage and that this was just a freak event so that we can begin to repair the trail. (There’s no sense in fixing it if the next heavy rain storm is just going to wreck it all over again!) Unfortunately, no one is available to do the drain inspection until the end of October. In the meantime, the warning signs posted on the trail will remain up – if you do elect to use the trail, you do so at your own risk.
Quarter of Giving – It’s All About the Furbabies!
It’s a new quarter, which means it’s time to choose a new local organization (or in this case TWO local organizations) to recognize for our Quarter of Giving campaign. In addition to non-perishable food donations, you awesome Capers raised $1,165 in cash for the Oregon Food Bank – Tillamook County Services last quarter. This quarter we’ll be switching our focus to our four-legged friends by highlighting United Paws and the Tillamook Animal Shelter.
About United Paws –
Tell us about your organization: “United Paws of Tillamook (UP) works to alleviate companion animal suffering by humanely addressing overpopulation and homelessness via low-cost spay/neuter clinics, TNR (trap/neuter/release), foster-adoption, and community education programs.” There is a significant population of feral and stray cats in Tillamook county. There is also a significant population of low income people who need help with their pets. While our rescue, foster, and adoption services are primarily for cats and kittens, United Paws offers low cost spay and neuter services for both cats and dogs of qualified low income people. We also provide medical support for low income people’s pets, through all of our local vets, as well as yearly through Homeless Connect.
What in kind donations do you most need? If cash donation, how do they make out the check? Is it tax deductible and will you provide a tax receipt? Our biggest need is for high quality, grain free canned kitten food. Most of the kittens who come to us have been rescued from the wild, or from local farms. Their mothers are often feral, or not well cared for. Most of the kittens we get have multiple parasites, and upper respiratory infections. They need the best food we can give them to build their strength and immune systems. There are many good brands, but most have to be ordered or purchased in larger population areas. We also need traps. So many of the cats we spay or neuter are feral, and must be trapped, and every year we lose traps that are damaged and sometimes stolen. For smaller items, our kittens go through toys like crazy! Checks can be made to United Paws of Tillamook. We are a 501(c)(3) and all donations are tax deductible. We are happy to send a receipt by mail or email. So, going way out on a limb here, but sometimes “in kind” can be used to mean an offering of work or services. Our building is quite old, and we are in the exhausting permit process at the moment. We have a contractor who will be lifting the house and putting in a foundation. Once this is completed we will need plumbers, electricians, and just about anything else you can think of related to building! Oh, and landscaping and clean up! Once the building is functional the plan is to have our own spay/neuter clinics in Tillamook. Clinics now are at Nehalem Animal Healing. We really appreciate the support of Dr. Matt Didlake, and his staff, however the location does make it difficult for many who live in the county.
How can people contact you if they have questions?
Email: unitedpawsfund@gmail.com. Our Facebook page is called United Paws of Tillamook, and it does have more up to date information than our website. Message line phone is 503-842-5663, and then follow the prompts to donations. Those messages will come directly to me [Anne Harris], and I will respond. Another way to contact us is to message us on our Facebook page.
About the Tillamook Animal Shelter –
Tell us about your organization: Our mission statement: To better the lives of animals through progressive sheltering, rescue, medical treatment, adoption, spaying and neutering, education, protection and defense against abuse and fostering of the human—animal bond. —- Our functions have changed since we are no longer taking the police impounded animals, unless for some reason they cannot take them to their own facility. We are now primarily an owner release shelter. This hasn’t slowed our intake any and we are on track to have more dogs through the facility this year than ever before. We receive no funding from any state or local governments and all of our financing comes from donations and grants. We are a no-kill shelter and sanctuary. We have a few dogs in our shelter that will never be candidates for adoption and the expansion of the shelter has enabled us to provide a happier, healthier place for our animals whether their stay is short or long. We are also building a cattery and expanding to be able to help cats as well.
What in kind donations do you most need? If cash donation, how do they make out the check? Is it tax deductible and will you provide a tax receipt? Of course we are always in need of money. Donations can be made out to Tillamook Animal Shelter or simply TAS works as well. We are a 501c3 our tax number is 14-1903720. Forms are sent for donations of a certain amount (I think it’s $500 but not sure on that) in January. If anyone would like an in kind form or if they donate less than that and would like a form you can email me and I can send one. We can also use blankets, towels, paper towels, disinfecting quick wipes (like Clorox wipes), dog food (Diamond Naturals Lamb and Rice is preferred, but any with no corn, wheat or soy ingredients is helpful!), dog toys, cat toys, cat food, pellet cat litter. Our big wish right now is a quad or utility vehicle Dan could use to get around and haul stuff at the shelter. The big area is great but we need a way for him to get around. My husband Dan is the only employee at this time, working 7 days a week and the miles of walking a day is taking it’s toll. If anyone has an unused old quad sitting around in their garage we could make use of it.
How can people contact you if they have questions?
Email: tillamookanimalshelter@gmail.com; Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ TillamookAnimalShelter/; Telephone: 503-812-0105 and the contact person who answers that phone is me, Maria Nagy.
If you are interested in donating to either (or both!) of these organizations, you can drop your donation off at the office or mail it to The Capes Homeowners Association, PO Box 404, Oceanside, OR 97134 anytime between now and December 31, 2018. We will also be collecting donations at the Brats ‘n Boos party at the Bridge House on Saturday, October 20, 2018.