Capes News – October 2023

It’s Party Time!

Here’s what’s happening this month at The Capes…………
WHO: All CAPES residents
WHAT: Halloween Gathering
WHEN: Saturday, October 28,2023  from 4 – 6 pm
WHERE: The Bridge House
WHY: Why not??? Let’s have a community Halloween Party. We’ll supply apple cider and cookies, you can bring an hors d’oeuvre or dessert to share. Come as you are, dress in costume, or dress as your favorite Halloween thing.   Hang out for good conversations and celebrate the return of fall. Please RSVP to [Also, BYOB]

From the Emergency Preparedness Committee

The Capes Emergency Preparedness Committee is seeking volunteer pod leaders and back-up pod leaders to assist in case of an emergency situation at The Capes community.

A pod leader serves as the point person for Emergency Preparedness, organizing efforts for a certain designated area within the community. There are a total of 7 pod areas within The Capes community. The pod leader is responsible for information, coordination and communication within his or her designated area and assists the Area Coordinator/Central Pod Leader with any duties. If you are interested in volunteering for such a position you should be living at the Capes community for at least 50% of the time.

For further information please reach out to the EPC at

Time to Clean-Up!

Our Fall Clean-Up has been scheduled for Friday, October 6th through Sunday, October 15th. Here are all of the details, if you don’t know how this works:

WHAT: Our spring and fall clean-ups are your opportunity to do a little yard work without having to worry about what to do with the debris. We will set up 5 collection areas throughout the neighborhood where you can discard your leftover plant material and other woody debris, and we’ll dispose of it for you.

WHEN: The clean up will run from Friday, October 6, 2023 through Sunday, October 15, 2023.

WHERE: The collection sites will be marked with orange stakes (or cones) as follows:

  • The front of Lot #115 on Fall Creek Drive. (East side of the road, just south of 475 Fall Creek Dr.)
  • The Meadow (where Capes Drive, Capes Loop and Capes Point all come together)
  • Tract F on Capes Drive (the northernmost point of Capes Drive, right at the point where the road makes a 180° turn)
  • Tract N on Promontory Lane (near where the observation platform used to be)
  • Fall Creek Drive near the tennis court

Here is a map for the more visual among us. The sites are marked with a big, red X:

WHO: Josh Vance of His Glory Landscape Care and Home Maintenance will be organizing the collection sites and disposing of the debris. He is also available to assist with any yard maintenance or tree trimming that you would like (at your expense). Josh can be reached by telephone (503-812-5716) or email (


  1. All woody debris (trees and tree limbs) should be limited to NO LARGER THAN 4 INCHES IN DIAMETER. Anything larger is your responsibility and should not be taken to a clean up site.
  2. Please remember that this is for “clean up” and not “clearing”. If you are clearing or significantly thinning a vacant lot, disposal of large amounts of trees will be your responsibility. (Our budget will not handle the disposal of an entire forest. Sorry!) If you are not sure whether or not what you are planning to remove constitutes a “large amount of trees” then it probably does…but feel free to contact the office and make sure!
  3. Debris must be taken to one of the staked sites in order to be disposed of as part of the Clean-Up. If for some reason you need Josh to collect debris directly from your lot, it is your responsibility to contact him and let him know. If the debris meets the criteria for items #1 and 2 above (it’s less than 4 inches in diameter and is not a significant number of trees) he will still include it with the HOA disposal items, however, you will be billed for any time/labor charges incurred while collecting the debris from your property. Our contract/arrangement with Josh is for setting up and clearing the 5 collection areas only. Anything above and beyond that requested by a homeowner will need to be done at that homeowner’s expense.

Are Your Outdoor Lights in Compliance?

If you’ve ever been at The Capes on a clear evening, you already know that the next-best thing to an ocean view is our amazing, star-filled, nighttime sky. You probably also know that nothing detracts from that bejeweled splendor more than light pollution. (Ok, and maybe clouds.) But…did you also know that our governing documents have rules in place to help keep exterior light to a minimum and ensure maximum stargazing opportunities? Here’s what the CC&R’s, ARC Design Requirements and the Community Rules have to say about exterior lighting:

”All outside lighting placed on the Lots must be directed downward.”

ARC Design Requirements
“Exterior Lighting: All exterior lighting must have either a shielded or diffused light source and should be suitable for coastal conditions; night-sky lighting is not a requirement. Floodlights are not allowed unless they are covered in such a manner that directs all the light downwards. Low intensity and energy efficient lighting is strongly encouraged.”

Community Rules
“All outside lighting must be directed downward. Flood lights are not permitted unless they can be shielded in a way that directs all light downward. Outside lighting should be “warm-white” or filtered LEDs (correlated color temperature < 3000 Kelvin) to minimize blue emission.”


Please check your lights and see if you are in compliance. The most common issue for the townhomes is that the bulbs are too bright. Bulbs need to be no more than 60 watt “soft white” or if using LED lights, filtered to minimize blue emission (correlated color temperature < 3000 Kelvin). If your current lights are too bright, 2700K LED bulbs can be purchased from the office for $.99 each. [As always, we will provide each owner with one (1) bulb specifically for the fixture that illuminates your house number, free of charge.]

The most common issue for the single-family homes is that the light fixtures do not direct lights downward, the bulbs extend below the fixture hood allowing light to stream outward, fixtures have clear class, or flood lights are not shielded.

If your outdoor lights are not in compliance, please turn them off until you can get them fixed either by replacing the bulb, the glass, or – if necessary – the entire fixture.
If you are not sure, please contact the office and we can visit your home and let you know.