Annual Wine and Cheese Social
If you’re here at The Capes this Labor Day weekend, don’t forget to stop by the Bridge House on Saturday, September 3, 2016 from 4-6pm for our annual Wine and Cheese Social. Bring a bottle of your favorite wine (or some other favorite beverage, if wine isn’t your thing…) to share, and we’ll do the rest. Hope to see you then!
Our next social event will be Brats and Brews on Saturday, October 15, 2016 from 4-7pm. Stay tuned for more details!
Annual Cleanup
The annual “fall” cleanup is going on now through Monday, September 12. (Owners: see your email dated August 19, 2016 for details.) The four designated collection areas are:
- Tract F – common area at the northernmost part of Capes Drive
- The south side of the meadow
- Tract N on Promontory Lane (where the observation platform is, at the bottom of the killer hill).
- At the front of Lot 152 on the west side of Fall Creek Drive (slightly south of the fire lane)
Here is a map of the collection areas for the more visual among us: https://www.thecapeshoa.org/documents/forms-and-information/Clean%20Up%20Location%20Map.pdf
Josh Vance of His Glory Landscaping and Home Maintenance is running the cleanup again this year. If you would like some extra assistance from Josh with your yard work, you can contact him directly at 503-812-5716.
Ground FX Lawn Debris Collection
Outside of the two weeks of the annual cleanup, our Ground FX landscape crew will pick up and remove lawn debris that is left at the curb when they are here working on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please take care to follow these guidelines when leaving out your lawn debris, so that they continue to extend us this courtesy:
- No more than TWO bags of lawn/yard debris per lot should be left for pickup in a single instance
- Whenever possible, please use biodegradable paper lawn bags – only use plastic trash bags as a LAST RESORT. The plastic bags cannot be recycled, and the crew must remove your debris from the plastic bags before hauling it away. This causes extra work for them. For your convenience, the office keeps a stock of 30 gallon lawn bags on hand – feel free to stop by and pick up a couple if you need them!
- This service is for the removal of lawn/yard debris only. DO NOT LEAVE REGULAR HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE AT THE CURB FOR GROUND FX. It is your responsibility to take all regular garbage to the dumpsters located at the front of the community.
Road and Driveway Sealing
This is a reminder that Northwest Asphalt will be here on Monday, September 19, 2016* to seal Capes Drive near the front entrance and repair a couple of spots in the community. If you are interested in having your driveway sealed while they are on site, please contact the office no later than Friday, September 16, 2016. The cost is 18 cents per square foot. Typically, townhome driveways range between $50-$100, and some of the longer driveways on Fall Creek can go as high as $300. If you choose to participate, Northwest Asphalt will bill you directly.
*If the weather does not cooperate on September 19, they will try again on Wednesday, September 21.
Monthly Board Meetings
The Capes HOA Board meets 10 times per year, on the third Saturday of the month at the Bridge House. (No meetings in August or December) These meetings are open to all owners, and we encourage you to attend if you are here at The Capes. It’s a great way to stay up to date with what is going on in your community. Each meeting starts at 9:30 am with an open forum, followed immediately by the formal meeting of the board. You can check the right sidebar section of this website entitled “Upcoming Meetings” for specific meeting dates and times.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, September 17, 2016.
Inspect Yer Decks!
If you own a home here at The Capes, please take the time to periodically have your deck(s) inspected for damage/rotted boards and rails/rusted hangers, etc. We all love to watch the sunsets and storms over the Pacific, but it’s that same proximity to the coast (and it’s wind and rain) that can be so damaging to these structures.
Every so often you hear tragic news stories of people hurt or even killed by collapsing decks – don’t become just another news story. While the HOA does annual maintenance inspections in order to preserve the beauty of our community, it is your responsibility to ensure that your decks are structurally safe and sound. For your safety and the safety of your guests, contact the office for a list of local contractors and have your deck inspected today!