Quarter of Giving – Oregon Food Bank
We are starting our final month for this quarter’s Quarter of Giving campaign. So far we’ve collected a nice pile of non-perishable food items and just over $900 in monetary donations for the Oregon Food Bank – Tillamook County Services. (LET’S SEE IF WE CAN GET THAT NUMBER OVER $1,000, SHALL WE???) We will continue collecting for this organization through the end of September, so it’s not too late to donate! They are especially in need of non-perishable protein food items like canned meat and fish, beans or peanut butter. Donations should be dropped off or mailed to the office before Sunday, September 30, and checks should be made out to OFB-TCS.
Fall Clean-Up
It’s that time once again – the Fall Clean-Up starts Friday, September 7, 2018 and runs through Sunday, September 16, 2018. This is your opportunity to do a little yard work without having to worry about what to do with the debris above and beyond the 2 bags per week that the landscapers will take. Josh Vance with His Glory Landscape and Home Maintenance will be organizing the 4 collection sites and the HOA will take care of the disposal fees. There are just a few simple rules:
- If you are taking out trees and/or tree limbs, please limit them to those that are 4 inches in diameter or less.
- This event is for clean up, not CLEARING. If you have a significant number of trees that you want to remove, you will need to dispose of them at your own expense. Our budget can not handle the disposal of an entire forest – sorry!
- Debris must be taken to one of the 4 collection sites below, and placed between the orange stakes. (Here’s a map of the sites: https://www.thecapeshoa.org/documents/forms-and-information/Clean%20Up%20Location%20Map.pdf)
- The front of Lot #152 on Fall Creek Drive. (Just a couple of lots south of the fire lane/gravel path to the cottages)
- The Meadow (where Capes Drive, Capes Loop and Capes Point all come together) – the map says “the south side,” but we may need to move that due to the new landscaping…just watch for the orange stakes, and you’ll be fine!
- Tract F on Capes Drive (the northernmost point of Capes Drive, right at the point where the road makes a 180° turn)
- Tract N on Promontory Lane (at the base of the really steep hill)
If for some reason you need Josh to collect debris directly from your lot, it is your responsibility to contact him and let him know (hisglorylandscapecare@gmail.com). If the debris meets the criteria for items #1 and 2 above (it’s less than 4 inches in diameter and is not a significant number of trees) he will still include it with the HOA disposal items, however, you will be billed for any time/labor charges incurred while collecting the debris from your property. Our contract/arrangement with Josh is for setting up and clearing the 4 collection areas only. Anything above and beyond that requested by a homeowner will need to be done at that homeowner’s expense.
Equipment Self-Check Out
You’ve probably already heard the news that we’ve added pickleball lines to our newly-resurfaced tennis court, right? Ok, well, did you also know that the office now has pickleball paddles and balls available to borrow? We do! We also have a horseshoe set and two – count ’em, TWO – bocce ball sets. Best of all – this equipment is now available 24/7 for homeowners to borrow through our new self-checkout equipment locker (pictured above) located just outside the office. To learn how to access the locker, visit the Owner’s Only section of this website (you will need to be a registered user, but, hey, if you’re an owner, you should be a registered user anyway!) or refer to your “Capes News – September 2018” newsletter email.
Seal Coating and Gate Updates
The only news about the road and driveway seal coating is that we don’t yet have any news. An email will go out as soon as we have this on the schedule. We’ve been having some very foggy, cloudy and smokey days lately, which hasn’t been at all conducive to this project!
You may have noticed that the new cupola next to the entrance gate has not yet been shingled. This is because we will have a new camera system installed later in the fall, and the electrician needs access to that cupola to help make that happen. Once the cameras are up and running, the cupola will be shingled and the light reattached. Our new camera system will cover the entrance gate area as well as the dumpsters. It will help us to identify people and vehicles that use our dumpsters illegally, violate our dumpster rules (boxes should be broken down, no loose trash, no hazardous materials, no construction materials or paint, no large appliances, nothing left on the ground outside the dumpsters, etc.) , or have (or cause!) any issues at the gate.