Update on the Oceanside/Cape Meares Loop Road
In August, we received the following update from the Oceanside Neighborhood Association regarding restoration of the Cape Meares Loop Road:
On August 13, 2020, the Tillamook County Planning Commission unanimously voted for land use approvals necessary to repair and re-route Cape Meares Loop Road. Thanks to all who sent support letters or were one of over 200 locals who lent their names to the ONA letter urging approval. The decision is not expected to be appealed. The county continues to negotiate payments for needed right-of-ways on the new route. We will monitor and report ongoing developments, including the construction timeline, when available.
If you’d like more information on this project, please visit the Tillamook County website: https://www.co.tillamook.or.us/gov/ComDev/hidden_CapeMeares.htm
New doggie stations!
In an effort to encourage dog owners to clean up after their pets, we have added 2 new doggie stations to the neighborhood – one by the tennis court, next to the Fall Creek Drive beach ‘trailhead’ and one at the top of Promontory Lane across the street from the stairs leading down to Capes Drive. This brings us now to 4 stations when you include the two already existing in the canyon and the meadow.
Each station has a small trash can for dog waste and comes equipped with a supply of doggie bags. These bags are there for your convenience in the event that you’ve forgotten your own bags (I’ve done that), you’ve run out mid-walk (done that, too), you’ve discovered the hard way that your last bag has an unfortunate tear in it (yup, it’s happened), etc…they are not meant to be your sole source of doggie waste bags. Please do not help yourself to half a roll of bags, leaving none for anyone else. We’ve got a limited budget for these types of supplies, so when the budget is spent, there will be no more until the next budget cycle!
[To that point, Amazon sells 1,000 doggie waste bags for less than $20. They come with an adorbs little bone-shaped dispenser that can attach to your leash, and if you’ve only got one dog, one box will last you about a year: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BI79TWE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1]
Tales from the Bridge House Chapter 4: An Brief Intro to Color Theory
For our 4th Chapter of Tales from the Bridge House, Capes Owner, artist, and firefighter/EMT (among many other things!) Carter Thompson will explore a brief introduction into color theory. We’re going to deviate from the schedule slightly and hold this event (via Zoom meeting) a little later in the month than usual on Thursday, September 24, 2020 starting at 6:00 pm. Watch your inboxes a few days prior for the link to the zoom meeting.
Due to unfortunate technical difficulties, our virtual tour of the Pioneer Museum (TFTBH: Chapter 3) will not be posted for viewing. The bandwidth on the museum’s internet connection was insufficient to sustain the live feed streaming, so much of the commentary is garbled and unintelligible.
Removing Plants from the Common Areas
We’ve received some reports lately of unauthorized plants and/or flowers being dug up from the meadow area near the bocce court. While we are happy to share seeds or cuttings with anyone who knows how to safely harvest them without damaging the original plants, we ask that you please do not dig up any plants or flowers from the HOA common areas without contacting the Landscape Committee first for permission. You can email the committee at landscape@thecapeshoa.org.
US Census Workers on Site
Just a heads-up, the 2020 US Census is in full swing, and workers are in the area following up with those who haven’t yet responded. They are assigned a list of addresses without knowing who lives here full time and who doesn’t, so they may try to contact you at your Capes address even if you aren’t a full time resident.
Winter Is Coming
Late summer/early fall is a great time to get your gutters checked and cleaned in order to ensure they are ready to receive all of that glorious rainfall that will be coming later in the year. I typically try to set up a ‘group’ gutter cleaning with one of our local providers for those who would like to opt in, but due to reasons that will soon become apparent, I simply don’t have the time to coordinate that effort at the moment. So, next best thing, I am suggesting that each of you call and set up an appointment to have your gutters cleaned this fall, and can provide the numbers of some local service providers (though you are free to use any provider of your choosing):
- Steve Pieren – 503-398-5186
- Complete Home Maintenance – 503-812-6346
- Coast Gutters – 503-437-2193