The Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 18, 2015, at which time elections will be held to fill available seats on the Board of Directors. There will be four positions to be filled: two seats with 3 year terms (current member’s terms are expiring), one seat with a 2 year term (position currently unfilled and open), and one seat with a 1 year term (position currently unfilled and open).
Anyone interested in running for one of these positions should take note of the following dates:
- Interested Homeowners should notify the Board President and/or the Resident Manager of their intent to run – either by e-mail, mail, or in person – any time prior to the February 21, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting. The names of the candidates will be announced at that February meeting.
- All candidates are required to submit a Candidates Statement of 250 words or less to the Board President and/or Resident Manager no later than Saturday, March 14, 2015. Statements may be submitted via email, mail or in person.
- Candidate statements will be distributed to the current Board at the March Board of Directors meeting, on Saturday, March 21, 2015.
- Annual meeting materials will be mailed to all Homeowners the week of March 29, 2015. The mailing will include candidate statements, ballots, provisions for absentee ballots, directions to the Netarts Fire Hall, and the meeting time.
- All mailed absentee ballots are due to the Capes office by 5:00pm, Friday, April 17, 2015.
- ANNUAL MEETING – Saturday, April 18, 2015. All hand-delivered, sealed absentee ballots are due. Candidates will be introduced to the Homeowners, and will have the opportunity to read their statements. Voting will take place, and ballots will be tabulated. Candidates with the highest number of votes will be certified as Board Members.
The Capes Resident Directory is available to all homeowners through the Owners Only section of this website. It has been recently updated, and is password-protected to ensure the privacy of our residents. If you need help with the password, please contact The Capes office.
Do not be fooled by the mild weather we have experienced so far this winter. February has been known to deliver some devastating storms and we should all be prepared, just in case. Here are some tips for “weathering” any problems that may arise:
Severe Cold and Ice Storms: Water should be turned off at the shut-off valve if you are not going to be down at The Capes on a regular basis. Monitor the coastal weather forecasts. Kitchens and bathrooms with outside walls should have cabinet doors left ajar under the sinks, allowing the warmer air in the house to circulate around the pipes.
Power Outages: Have supplies on hand such as a battery-operated (or hand-crank) radio, candles, matches, flashlights and extra batteries. If your oven is electric, make sure to have at least a few food items available that don’t require cooking.
Severe Winds: Before you leave The Capes, double check that all outside doors and windows are firmly locked. Storm force winds will rip open any door not firmly locked in place and the sideways driven rain will find any small crack it can in windows not firmly locked in place.
Road Conditions: If the weather gives cause for concern, call ODOT 800-977-6368 to check the conditions on Hwy 6, Hwy 101, or any other Oregon highways before attempting to drive.
Fallen Trees: We hope we will never experience another storm like the one in 2007 when we were marooned in The Capes for several days by fallen trees on Hwy 131. Check that you have enough food and medical supplies on hand to see you through such an event. Also, don’t forget supplies for your pets.
Along with the joys of dog ownership comes the responsibility of dealing with daily walks and doggie poo. Please remember – and remind all guests – that cleaning up after your dog is considerate and expected. We all take pride in the beautiful environment that is The Capes, and want to make sure it stays that way!
Bear scat (yes, more poo!) has been spotted on Promontory Lane within the last few weeks. When out walking in the neighborhood, please be aware of your surroundings and keep your dog on a leash. If you encounter a bear, remain standing upright, back away slowly, and make sure to leave the bear a clear escape route. Speak to the bear in a calm, assertive voice, and do not make any sudden or abrupt movements. Try to avoid direct eye contact – this can be taken as a sign of aggression. Do not turn your back, play dead, climb a tree or run. Running can trigger a chase response, and no matter how many half-marathons you did last year – you cannot outrun a bear. Once you are a safe distance away, make noise or bang pots and pans to scare the bear away.
HOA dues need to be paid by the 15th of every month. A late fee of $20 will be assessed on any payments received after the 15th.