Surviving the Storm
Over the last 3 days, we’ve gotten a little over 6 1/2 inches of rain here at The Capes, and have had some pretty gusty winds. The power was out from 11:30pm last night until just before 6am this morning. (Someone hit and snapped a pole on Crab Avenue in Netarts, and they had to shut the power down to replace the pole.) Water poured from the sky in a deluge that seemed like it would never end, and the poor guys from Ground FX will probably be blowing pine needles out of the streets until June. But, you know what? We were the lucky ones. Aside from the 4 Berkshire Hathaway signs that broke off of their posts (plastic zip ties and 50 mph wind gusts just don’t mix!) and 1 townhome chimney cap that is slightly askew – but still attached! – we seem to have survived what I like to call Rainpocolypse 2015 relatively unscathed.
Elsewhere in Tillamook County (and beyond!) they weren’t quite so lucky. There was flooding in Netarts, Tillamook, Pacific City, Garibaldi, Rockaway, Nehalem, Wheeler….not to mention numerous land and mudslides reported all over the place. Long story short, if you’re trying to get around in any of these affected areas, use caution and common sense. While the rivers that had reached well above flood stage last night are supposed to recede by this afternoon, you may still encounter standing water and the occasional slide. Be careful out there!
Planned Power Outage – Rescheduled
Tomorrow’s planned power outage for areas west of Fraser Road, including Netarts, Oceanside, and everything in between has been rescheduled for next Wednesday, December 16, 2015. The Tillamook PUD will shut down the power that day between 9am and 5pm so that they can replace some equipment and a couple of poles. If you’ll be at The Capes, please plan your day accordingly.
Local News and Updates
In our last update, we showed you where to sign up to receive the nixle alerts from Tillamook County Emergency Management, and those are great if you want to receive local wind advisories and flood alerts as they are issued. Here’s that link again, just in case you missed it: https://local.nixle.com/tillamook-county-emergency-management/.
Aside from the very technical National Weather Service alerts, we’ve found two really good resources for getting the local area low-down: Tillamook County Pioneer and Gordon’s Tillamook Weather Center. Both pages did a phenomenal job of keeping us informed over the last few days with flood, slide and power outage information, road closures and weather-related cancellations. If you use Facebook, both pages are most definitely worth following!