September 2015 – Capes News


It’s Important to Update!

As most of you may know, we had our first big wind and rain event of the season this past weekend, with Cape Meares clocking wind gusts as high as 90 mph. Resident Manager, Karinda Boone, does a great job of monitoring the community for damage, but it’s all for nothing if affected homeowners can’t be reached because of out-of-date contact information! Three houses were damaged by the high winds Friday night, and of the three, ALL of them had at least one phone number on file that was no good.

Help us to help you. Please take a few minutes right now to complete the Update Homeowner Contact Information online webform – even if you think we’ve got your latest information, go ahead and do it anyway…just to make sure. We would ideally like to have a mailing address, email address and at least TWO working phone numbers for every homeowner at The Capes.

Remember – we can’t give you the information if we can’t reach you!

Ground FX Hits the “Grounds” Running

We are happy to announce that starting September 1st our new landscaping company, Ground FX, will be on-site at The Capes two days a week, every Tuesday and Thursday. These guys demonstrated  grace and professionalism right off the bat, when we found ourselves without landscapers at the beginning of August. They stepped up and arranged to start providing services one month early, one day a week, despite the fact that they were not expecting to begin their contract with us until September…and they did it on very short notice. So far, they’ve been focusing most of their efforts on maintaining the front of the property on that one day a week, and now that we’ll have them twice as often, they will begin an alternating schedule of common area and townhome landscape maintenance.

Say hello to crew leader, Josh, and his teammates Eaton and Resindo when you see them in the neighborhood, and let them know how happy we are to have them here!

Annual Fall Yard Clean-Up

The annual Fall Yard Clean-Up is scheduled this year for Thursday, September 3rd through Sunday, September 13th. At least 3 staked areas will be set up within the neighborhood for homeowners to deposit yard debris between the 3rd and the 13th, and all debris will be hauled away on Monday, September 14th.

If you’d like assistance with your yard clean-up, Josh Vance of His Glory Property and Landscape Care is a good resource, and can be reached at (503) 812-5716. For more contractor recommendations, feel free to contact the office.

Open Board Position Reminder

Due to the resignation of one of the Board members elected in April, there is one open slot on The Capes Homeowners Association Board of Directors for a 3-year term. Interested candidates should submit their resumé and a 250-word statement explaining briefly why they’d like to serve on the board no later than Saturday, September 12, 2015. This will give current Board members one week to review all submitted declarations before voting to elect the new member at the next board meeting on September 19, 2015.

Group Gutter Cleaning

The Capes has once again teamed up with Steve Pieren to schedule a group gutter cleaning, which will take place in mid-September. If you are interested in having your gutters cleaned with the group, you must notify the office of your interest and pre-pay no later than Tuesday, September 15, 2015. The cost is $135. Checks should be made out to Steve Pieren, and must be received by The Capes office prior to 5pm on the 15th in order to participate. The gutter cleaning is anticipated to begin the week of September 21, weather permitting. The Capes mailing address is PO Box 404, Oceanside, OR, 97134.

CC&R Violations & Fines

A few weeks ago, an email went out to all homeowners detailing the fine schedule and procedures that the Board has been working on in regards to CC&R violations, and homeowners were encouraged to provide feedback. We would like to thank those of you that took the time to respond. Most of the questions that were raised were regarding family members, guest/renter registration, and whether or not family members are required to register with the office when they are visiting without the homeowner being present. This is a detail that is still under discussion, and will be finalized at the September board meeting on the 19th.

Annual Wine and Cheese Party

The Capes annual Labor Day Wine and Cheese Party will be held this Saturday, September 5, 2015 from 4-6 pm at the Bridge House. Bring a bottle of wine to share, and we’ll supply the fruit and cheese boards. It’s a great opportunity to get to know your neighbors!