So, you may have noticed that things look just a little different around here. Come on in and take a look around. We hope you love it as much as we do!
Here are just a few things you should know about the new website:
- The monthly updates and any other news items and stories of interest will be posted on the Home page. The Home page can be reached by clicking the house-shaped icon on the navigation bar.
- In order to access the Owner’s Only page, you will have to be a registered user. Registration only takes a minute, and you will be able to choose your own user name and password – so there’s no more trying to remember just what password we’re using this month! To register, go to the Owner’s Only page, and fill out the New User Registration form. Once you’ve submitted your registration request, you’ll receive an email confirming that your request was received, and the user name and password that you signed up with. BUT wait…you’re still not quite ready to log in! In order to ensure that only Capes homeowners can access the sensitive materials on the Owner’s Only page, all registrations must be approved and activated by the site administrator. Once your request has been approved, you will receive a second email, letting you know that you’re good to go. (Please allow 2 business days for your registration to be approved.)
- If you’d like to receive email notification when new posts are added to the site, you will need to subscribe. To do this, look for the “Get an email when we update!” box on the right sidebar. Enter your email address, click the “subscribe” button and then watch your inbox for an email asking you to confirm your subscription. Click the “Confirm Follow” button in the email, and you’re done!
- We’ve added a Guest Notification Form to make it easier for homeowners to notify the office about upcoming guests or renters, and a Guest Registration form for those guests or renters to be able to “check in” with the office before they arrive.
We’ve got even more exciting things coming down the pike, so stay tuned!